Hi hun. You dont NEED to do one but it is recommended. think of it more as a wishlist than an actual plan. I have pasted below a copy of one I was given as an example at my ante natal class. You might find it useful.
This plan is a reflection of my wishes for the birth but is in no way inflexible. I understand that for many reasons my plans may need to change to suit the needs of myself and Emily.
Induction – If it comes to it, I would not like to be induced any earlier than the 16th February.
Companion – I would like my husband David to be with me at all times. Should I not be in a position to make an informed decision, I will trust his judgment to do what he feels is best for myself and the baby. I would not like to have groups of medical students involved in the birth.
Monitoring – I would like monitoring of the baby to be kept to a minimum unless there is cause for concern. If a short, constant monitoring period is required I would prefer to sit upright or stand rather than lying down. I would prefer to be vaginally examined only when absolutely necessary.
Mobility – I would like to be as mobile as possible during labour and free to try various positions for both first and second stage. Ideally I would like to remain as upright as possible to allow gravity to take its course.
Coaching – I would appreciate being informed of what is happening during my labour and having all processes explained to me before they are undertaken. Should myself and/or David need to make a decision regarding intervention I would appreciate reasons, all alternate options and amount of time available to make a decision being explained in advance.
Pain Relief – I have a TENS machine which I would like to use for as long as it is effective. In addition I would like to have access to Entonox and possibly a hot bath for further pain relief for as long as possible. I would like to avoid epidural or pethidine altogether.
Second Stage – Gentle support and firm guidance on when to push and how to minimize any damage through tearing would be appreciated. I would like to be advised if an episiotomy seems necessary and all efforts made to avoid this being the case.
Intervention - If assistance is needed, please use suction rather than forceps.
Theatre – If it is absolutely necessary to undergo a c-section I would like David with me. Please use a spinal block. I would like the catheter inserted after anesthetic.
Post Birth – I would like Emily to be placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery and have skin-to-skin contact for as long as possible, and to allow her to find my breast. We would like to take photographs but not of the moment of birth.
Umbilical Cord – Please wait until the umbilical cord has stopped pulsating before allowing it to be cut. David does not wish to cut the cord.
Placenta – I want to deliver the placenta naturally and without the aid of drugs, unless absolutely necessary.
Vitamin K – I would like vitamin K to be administered to the baby via injection.
Feeding – I would like to breastfeed Emily. I would like her to self-attach but if this does not happen then I would appreciate some help getting her latched on and getting my positioning right.