birthing plans


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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A couple of questions....

1. When do you write one?
2. Who do you write one with? is it with your MW at an appointment?
3. If you write on yourself, what do you include in it?
4. Do you need to write a birthing plan?
Got a DVD on this today. U do it yourself but can chat it through with Mw first. Most people should do one.
Consider: pain relief, attitude to epidural and csection. Injection for placenta delivery, vitamin k for baby after birth. When to cut the cord and who cuts it, skin to skin contact, breast/bottle feeding x
Oh and just do it as soon as you feel informed enough lol x
Not sure about the UK but we do them at 25 weeks here with the MW..... Although as my MW said, it's really only a wishlist, because you never know how things are going to go!!
I got told at my 24 week appointment to start thinking about it and jot down notes etc. Maybe ask at your next appointment.

There are pages at the back of your hand held notes to help you do this. Alternatively if you look at the NHS Choices website you can set up an account on there and create a birth plan. It takes you through all the things you might want to consider and any sections that you're not sure of you can look up on the Choices website for more information. Then from the site you can print out the plan and take it with you to a midwife appointment and talk it all through. That's what i've done. I've got an appointment with my consultant in a couple of weeks to go through everything because I want a water birth, but because I am a slightly higher risk pregnancy this might be a problem.
Hi hun. You dont NEED to do one but it is recommended. think of it more as a wishlist than an actual plan. I have pasted below a copy of one I was given as an example at my ante natal class. You might find it useful.

This plan is a reflection of my wishes for the birth but is in no way inflexible. I understand that for many reasons my plans may need to change to suit the needs of myself and Emily.

Induction – If it comes to it, I would not like to be induced any earlier than the 16th February.

Companion – I would like my husband David to be with me at all times. Should I not be in a position to make an informed decision, I will trust his judgment to do what he feels is best for myself and the baby. I would not like to have groups of medical students involved in the birth.

Monitoring – I would like monitoring of the baby to be kept to a minimum unless there is cause for concern. If a short, constant monitoring period is required I would prefer to sit upright or stand rather than lying down. I would prefer to be vaginally examined only when absolutely necessary.

Mobility – I would like to be as mobile as possible during labour and free to try various positions for both first and second stage. Ideally I would like to remain as upright as possible to allow gravity to take its course.

Coaching – I would appreciate being informed of what is happening during my labour and having all processes explained to me before they are undertaken. Should myself and/or David need to make a decision regarding intervention I would appreciate reasons, all alternate options and amount of time available to make a decision being explained in advance.

Pain Relief – I have a TENS machine which I would like to use for as long as it is effective. In addition I would like to have access to Entonox and possibly a hot bath for further pain relief for as long as possible. I would like to avoid epidural or pethidine altogether.

Second Stage – Gentle support and firm guidance on when to push and how to minimize any damage through tearing would be appreciated. I would like to be advised if an episiotomy seems necessary and all efforts made to avoid this being the case.

Intervention - If assistance is needed, please use suction rather than forceps.

Theatre – If it is absolutely necessary to undergo a c-section I would like David with me. Please use a spinal block. I would like the catheter inserted after anesthetic.

Post Birth – I would like Emily to be placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery and have skin-to-skin contact for as long as possible, and to allow her to find my breast. We would like to take photographs but not of the moment of birth.

Umbilical Cord – Please wait until the umbilical cord has stopped pulsating before allowing it to be cut. David does not wish to cut the cord.

Placenta – I want to deliver the placenta naturally and without the aid of drugs, unless absolutely necessary.

Vitamin K – I would like vitamin K to be administered to the baby via injection.

Feeding – I would like to breastfeed Emily. I would like her to self-attach but if this does not happen then I would appreciate some help getting her latched on and getting my positioning right.
That's brilliant Jomc, I might have to copy and paste some of it!
Thanks for that Jomc - i am going to use that and just fill in my own wishes :)
Thanks for that Jomc - i am going to use that and just fill in my own wishes :)

Thats exactly what Im going to do :)

I have one for a water and home birth as well I think. Will post those tomorrow x
I really didnt understand the importance of it all until you posted yours Jomc! I hadnt really thought about how I may react during labour and the irrational things I may do so I think I will do a copy and paste job of yours if you dont mind so that I have my original wishes at least listed and I feel slightly protected in the fact that I will have signed it and essentially the nurses and doctors have to take into account my wishes :)

Thank you xxx
No need to thank me! They were handouts we were guven of real ones done by women who allowed the NCT to have a copy to give out. I find it great as wouldnt have thought of half the stuff in there myself lol

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