Birthing plans

Has anyone been asked if it's ok to use the blood from the cord?
I never even thought about baby being dressed by someone else......I have sooooo much to think about lol
all very interesting reading ladies!

this is my first and at the moment I am thinking no drugs just the gas & air, I want to be active during birth, birthing ball, walking round the room and I would also like to deliver standing up if possible. I want skin on skin ASAP after birthday and to try breast feeding as soon as he/she is out and ready. I also hadn't thought about them changing baby but I think I would like OH to do it too and cut the cord (if it doesn't grim him out too much!)

I want to be left alone (no meddling mothers and mother-in-laws) until we are all comfortable/dressed etc :lol:
wo dressing the baby has never even occured to me, i dont think me or hubby have dressed any of ours once they born, i know with my 3rd we definately never because he was prem and rushed straight off to SCBU so it a few hours before i even got to see him. wow you made me think now i am going to have to ask other half who got the babies dressed.
Wow I thought I was just being a bit neurotic not wanting anyone to dress our little one!:lol:

I just want me & my OH to have all of the 'first' experiences ourselves! :)

I never thought of dressing either. May ask OH if he wants to do it this time. I do feel a little sorry for him as im determind to breastfeed so he wont get a look in lol but i may ask if he wants to catch baby to :) xx
im gonna be pretty open. I primarily want a water birth - so gonna try and get that but it depends when you get to the hosp if you can have the pool or not. i want to be able to be mobile and if i ask for something stronger then give it to me. that is about it! not too fussed on all the rest to be honest, just would really like a water birth x

Snap this is practically my birthing plan too but we will see the MW has said she can't see a problem with it but I may have to fight for it a little :)
I am not sure what I will be scheduled for, as I have my appointment with my obstetrician in two weeks to decide if i have to have a C section or not (the placenta is still really low) But I would like to have a water birth in the pool, with gas and air, if I am in the birth centre at the hospital. If I have to deliver in the hospital I would like to have an epidural.. otherwise a c section is fine too.

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