Birthing options..


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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I know its very early to think about the birth but my clinic needs me to choose one within the next few weeks. I wanted a homebirth but thanks to my doc, she has made me feel like I would be putting my baby at risk :wall: Then I said an alternative would be having a water birth at the hospital but only 2 hospitals do that and they are both far from me and I would have to attend all antenatal appointments there!! And if it is being used, I can't have one.. so all that effort might be wasted. Ideally I would have liked a water birth at home but I wasn't going to suggest anything else to her!!

If I choose the hospital closest to me, I can get my antenatal appointments in my town and they will transfer the records up so that would be handy but then I don't get a water birth.

I knew this would happen.. I knew I would want a water / home birth and would be put off by the people who are advising me and in the end, I will have to be like everyone else and stay in a hospital :puke:

Sorry, I think im just feeling annoyed with everything today and Im tired and need my bed but have to WORK arghhh :x :bored:

Have you talked about your birthing options with your doc / midwife? Did they support your choices or advise you on a safe hospital birth? I don't want my doc / mw to influence my descision but in the end, they are the professionals..
aw hun :hug: If you really want a home birth you have a right to one so just stick to your guns! I wouldn't say that they are more of a risk to the baby because everyone i know who has had one has said it was more relaxing and hence the baby was more relaxed. If the midwife is concerned about anything she would suggest you transfer to hospital as soon as possible anyway.
I don't want a home birth but i would like a much more natural birth experience i am hoping that as long as i stay low dependency i can have a birthing room at our hospital, its like an en suite room where your partner can stay the night with you and you labour deliver and stay in that room for 24 hours. I want to make it like a home birth but with the added security that i have everything i need there just incase anything does go wrong.
Does your local hospitals run anything like this so you can have the benefits if you decide for a hospital birth?

Oh just to add my mw did ask if i wanted a home birth which i was quite surprised at!
Cixes said:
aw hun :hug: If you really want a home birth you have a right to one so just stick to your guns! I wouldn't say that they are more of a risk to the baby because everyone i know who has had one has said it was more relaxing and hence the baby was more relaxed. If the midwife is concerned about anything she would suggest you transfer to hospital as soon as possible anyway.
I don't want a home birth but i would like a much more natural birth experience i am hoping that as long as i stay low dependency i can have a birthing room at our hospital, its like an en suite room where your partner can stay the night with you and you labour deliver and stay in that room for 24 hours. I want to make it like a home birth but with the added security that i have everything i need there just incase anything does go wrong.
Does your local hospitals run anything like this so you can have the benefits if you decide for a hospital birth?

Oh just to add my mw did ask if i wanted a home birth which i was quite surprised at!

A birthing room sounds great Cixes, im just not sure if we have that in my hospital :think: Your so lucky if you can get that though! and the fact that your mw asked if you wanted a home birth is great because it means they are accepting that you may have your own ideas about the birth.

One thing both the doc & mw said when I mentioned a homebirth was "is it your first" and when i say yes they sort of screw up their faces as if to say ouch, you need all the help you can get! Because this is your 4th, they are probably more relaxed with you and will let you get on with it :hug:
I'd discuss homebirthing with your MW not your GP tbh. If you want a homebirth then you can have one. Its your choice at the end of the day. And if you've had a good pregnancy and both you and baby are fine then you are certainly not being reckless in opting for a homebirth.

Its also too soon to even consider booking in for a homebirth. That happens later in 3rd tri so you'll have plenty of time to read, research, talk on here with other mums who have had homebirths and make an informed choice on it.

Re booking your hospital. Book one but know you can also change your mind later if you wish. They cannot make you decide now and stick to it forever. Its personal choice once again. Many women don't decide till later in pregnancy where they wish to labour so don't feel pressured now.

FWIW most hospital doctors, in fact I've yet to come across a single one, will advise against a homebirth for any number of reasons. But remember its only advice. You don't have to do as they say. Of course some women really should birth in hospital due to medical reasons but a healthy woman and pregnancy means you can of course try homebirthing and transfer if need be.

I myself had a homebirth (can read story in my sig) and did so against Consultant and Registrar advice. My MW was totally supportive and I had a wonderful homebirth with no complications at all. I was told to birth in hospital due to larger baby expected, my age and my BMI at the time. I felt that all things considered I was better off at home as I wanted a natural labour and no IV pain relief. And believed I'd have more chance of that at home. I was made to feel like I was being really irresponsible in opting for home by the Docs but tbh it was never going to change my mind. You are no less safe having a baby at home than in hospital. And I had total confidence in my MW and husband.

I'd take some time to make up your mind either way. See how your pregnancy goes and discuss with your MW some more. Book a hospital if you need to now but know you can change this at a later date if you wish. I opted out of my health authority in the first instance and then remained on the hospitals books in case I needed to transfer in labour. It was all fine. Its crap they are pressing you to decide on your hoped for labour and location so early. Neither you nor they have any idea how your pregnancy will progress. Please remember its your body, your baby and you have a say in all of it. They cannot make you do anything, only advise. If you are told they don't allow something, ask them to rephrase it as you have a choice in your medical care. I never get why, when its our own bodies and babies we are so scared to speak up on things or ask for alternatives. If you do like the idea of a homebirth you may need to develop a thicker skin anyways as very few Docs are keen on them :roll: But then they wouldn't be being Doctors they like a hospital environment.

Anyways, feel free to drop me a PM if you have any Q's on homebirth. Also have a read of this thread I set up on the forum :) Click linkie below :)

Like Sherlock said, if you're low risk you should have no problem opting for a home birth. Being a first time mum doesn't make you high risk. I had my first at home and it was a fantastic experience, I'm hoping to repeat it this time round!

Ignore the doctors and talk to your midwife. Doctors like to medicalise (if that's a real word :D ) pregnancy and birth, you just have to remember it's not an illness or medical procedure, it's natural & your body is meant to do it.

Don't worry too much about it now, but have a look at all the options and talk it over with your OH/mum/birth partner/anyone else who might be able to give you some useful input. If the doc/midwife is pushing you for a decision then tell them anything - like Sherlock said you can change your mind at any point (even in labour if you want - noone can MAKE you do anything!).

Good luck with anything, if you want to chat about homebirth or anything feel free to PM me :hug: :D

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