birth weight.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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Does anyone know what determins your baby's weight at birth? Is it determined by mother and father? Im worried im going to have a big one as my OH was 10 pound 11 and i was 7 pound 6! lol
have you not been given a growth chart to follow as they estimate the lightest and heaviest ur baby should be for ur height and weight etc and it depends which line you follow!! and you can generally get a rough idea of weight at dd or if you go over :)
no i havent yet. I have a midwife appointment on the 18th jan so ill ask then! xx
I think there's some relation but not sure. I hope so as I was 6lb 4 and 9 days late! Hubby was around 7lb so hoping fora little one!

A friend of mine was 6lb 5 at birth and has just had a baby girl weighing 6lb 13 and 2 weeks late so I'm hoping the same will happen to me! xx
It didn't work that way with me! I was 6lb, think fob was about 7lb and my first was 9lb12 ad the 2nd 8lb3! Thunk that was more yo do with takeaways tho!
the factors of the babies weight are vast, medication, your health, diet, height and BMI all have a play in how much or less your baby could weigh x

I was prem baby (2 monts early) so I was 3lb 9 oz's or something like that. I know I was over 3lbs. My son was 6lbs 10 oz's born early at 38 weeks and 2 days as I am diabetic and can't go full term.

My partner was 7-8lbs I think and he was full term.
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no i havent yet. I have a midwife appointment on the 18th jan so ill ask then! xx

it may depend on areas again for this as i have had mine since 12 week scan hospital issue it ang they do height and weight measurements before they have it printed off for you!!

so when they start measuring you at 24+ they plot it on the chart which will determine small, average or big baby :) its worth asking MW about though xx
I was wondering this as well as I was premature and I was 7lb 14 1/2 so been wondering how big my baby is going to be lol eeeekk xx
The measurements don't mean a lot though! I was measuring 29 weeks pregnant at my 25 week midwife appointment, and everyone thinks I will have a big baby, but had a scan on saturday and my little boy is measuring small for dates! He is only 2lbs 6oz at the moment. I think unfortunately it's one of those times where you just have to wait until they are born to find out exactly how much they weigh! xx
I thought there was an old wives tale that the size of the baby's father when he was born determines the baby's size. I could be wrong though!
I was 7lb on the dot and jay was over 8lb born, when I was pregnant with Ava I was told she would be over 8lb but she was only 6lb 12oz born so I don't think anything but your health during pregnancy will contribute to babies weight. :)
Oh I thought it was supposed to follow down the ladies side of family not the oh's!

I was 7lb 1 at birth, spookily so was my sister. (My sister had one girl born also at 7lb 1 oz, then two boys, one at 9lb something and then 10lb 3 oz (my sister is only 5 foot 4 and like 8 stone!!).

I went on to have a 6lb 11 oz boy, a 7lb 1oz boy, a 5lb 15oz girl and a 6lb 6oz boy, so follows really for all of mine, (my daughter was showing small for dates during pregnancy tho).

Anyone had a girl born much heavier than them at birth? Perhaps girls are always lighter?
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damn lol, I dont know what weight babies father was so wont even have an estimate :( xx
I think it depends on diet and complete randomness! I was 8lb and on time, and fob was about the same. My lo however was 6lb 12oz and 15 days late.

Enjoy the surprise!

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