Birth Story - Elyssa Joan


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2011
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Hi ladies, well this time 2 weeks ago my little bundle of joy arrived and i finally have 10 mins to write my birth story.

On Wednesday 26th October I got up to go to the loo and my pants were wet, thought to myself ooh wonder if thats my waters, so i put a pad on, went back to bed and tried to sleep but the nerves and excitement meant i couldn't sleep. I got up a few hours later to go to the loo again and there was a proper gush on the bathroom floor, most definitely my waters. Thought i better wake my husband and we phoned the birth centre. They said to go in the next morning to be monitored and also to be booked for an induction 24 hours later. So off we go at 8am, midwife confirms it is my waters (they don;t stop running, it was such an odd feeling). We were sent home to wait for contractions but knowing that Friday 28th at 8am I would be induced ( I would be 38+2).

I waited all day, no contractions, no niggles! Went to bed that night and woke up with period like pains, but wasn't convinced they were contractions! I ran a bath at about 2am and that helped, then got out and decided to sleep in spare room. When the pain became quite bad ( i was on floor leaning over the bed) i thought i better time it, was having 3 contractions in 15 minutes. I phoned the birth centre and they said it had to be 3 in 10 minutes before i could go in. Decided I better wake my husband now and get the tens machine hooked up, he couldn't believe i hadn't woken him up before! Anyway, he decided to time them and they were every 3 minutes so phoned birth centre and they said to go in.

When I got there I was examined and found to be 7cm - yay i thought!! Got in the birth pool at 630am and they midwifes said baby would be out before their shift ended at 8am. 8am comes and goes and at some point i get out the pool as I had tried all positions and i had terrible pains in my back which hurt more than anything and you can't stay in the pool too long as it slows things down.

At 1030 they examined me and i was fully dilated but my contractions were only lasting 30 seconds, not long enough to push her out. The midwife and student midwife had me in all sorts of undignified positions, including sitting on the toilet trying to push her out! By this time I was so exhausted (no sleep for two nights) that I was falling asleep between contractions and I asked how long I had to push for before the Dr intervened. They said i would have to transfer to labvour ward and they would prob give me an injection to make the contractions last longer. Anyway, by this time I just wanted the baby out so I said yes do anything. I had no pain relief, didn't find the gas and air helped and it made me feel a bit sicky.

At 1245 they transferred me to the labour ward and decided I should have an episitomy (sp) and then they would help her out with the ventouse. This really hurt and I tried the gas and air again whilst they put the ventouse on. A few pushes and she was out in the big wide world - back to back! No wonder my back was hurting so much, not sure when she turned but the Dr said I would never have pushed her out by myself due to her positioning. She had a few breathing difficulties but was fine after a few minutes. She arrived at 1312, weighing 6lb 3 and was 46 cm.

We stayed in hospital for a few days as my waters had broken more than 24 hours before the contractions started. Doing well at home, it really is a full time job looking after a newborn but I love her to pieces and can't help but stare at her.

Sorry got no photos on my laptop, they are all on hubbies!

Good luck to those that are due to give birth soon xx
Congratulations, sounds like you did yourself proud. Lovely name you picked. xxx
Huge congrats hun, well done you. Beautiful name xxx
Congratulations! Hope you make a quick recovery x

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