Birth plan


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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Has everyone written their plan yet? My lovely midwife gave me that as homework to do by the 16 week appt aw she is so lovely! I am thinking of a birthing centre with a pool and gas and air. I'm good with pain - she claimed boldly LOL!! - so I think I'd be cool with that. Am also considering hypnobirthing - a sort of mind over matter thing, as it were.
And as the birthing centre is opposite the mat ward, there'd be no problems if there were, God forbid, complications.

What's everyone else considering? xx
Same as you! Ha ha, water birth with just gas n air :) xx
wel with my daughter i tried going in the bath which just made me feel really uncomfortable, had gas and air the entire 16 hrs of labour, after 7 hrs the contrations were so painful i needed pethadine, then after 4 hrs of pushing i had a load of spinal blocks as they thought i'd need a c-section, i was cut and had ventouse and forceps

so this time round becuase i know exactly how painful it is im having everything available to me so if i need it, its there straight away and i dont have to wait for anything lol
I have been thinking about it for the last couple of days, it suddenly hit me that the baby will need to get out somehow and me being a control freak I am feel really uncomfortable not being able to control anything.
I want to read all the information about pain relief, c-sections etc now so I dont have to do it whilst in established labour.
It doesnt help that I have a very low pain threshold and a wimp when it comes to pain.

What's the point in writing a birth plan if we cant predict how it goes? I would much more prefer elective c-section.
Yeah the birth may not go as you plan but the point of a birth plan is so the people caring for you have a rough idea what you want. You just have to remember that its not always possible to control everything.
My birth plan was very rigid last time , I got very upset when nothing went to plan . i would suggest being aware what you do and dont want and how you ant things to happen after baby is born but be prepared for it to go differently in your MW sees a need so your not too stressed , i do think its good to know what you want and to be educated about birth though xxxx
I have been thinking about it for the last couple of days, it suddenly hit me that the baby will need to get out somehow and me being a control freak I am feel really uncomfortable not being able to control anything.
I want to read all the information about pain relief, c-sections etc now so I dont have to do it whilst in established labour.
It doesnt help that I have a very low pain threshold and a wimp when it comes to pain.

What's the point in writing a birth plan if we cant predict how it goes? I would much more prefer elective c-section.

yeah they wont do an elctive c-section if they can help it as of course you know its a major operation that takes a few days to recover alone in hospital and can leave lots of scar tissue which in the future if u need another operation or c-section there may not be enough skin left over to do it again without problems. and like that other lady said the birth plan is so the nurses and doctors know what you would and wouldnt like so that can make the birth as stress free as possible unless things do get complicated then they need to look at other options
I'm totally flexible with mine - I have a nice ideal but anything can be changed if needs be no worries. I really hope I get a pool - I just really love the sound of that! x
I've not done my research yet but straight forward on a hospital bed with all the pain relief they have to offer would suit me fine!!!
I wish I had access to a pool ! my hospital doesn't even have baths :(
we haven't got a single one here in the south of Ireland , my nearest one is at least five hours away . i don't mind too much as its just how it is :(
I'm the same as you Sunny ;-)

Preferably I want to have baby in the birthing pool; luckily we have a Midwifery led centre next to our hospital, so like you say, should there be any complications (hopefully not, please God) we're right next door.

But the only thing is, around here we are in the midst of a baby boom and come Aug/Sept there's about a million women due! So I'm sort of psyching myself up for the fact that my plans may go out the window!

I actually started to make a list for the birthing plan the other day; hubby to tell me the sex, hubby to cut the cord (if he wants), for me to be able to stay quite mobile and move around as much as poss etc, ideally (and this will prob change) to stay at home as long as poss (as long as my waters don't break - my Aunt stayed at home with her first until 8cm!), vitamin K injection for the baby, injection to deliver the placenta, baby to have skin to skin straight away, me to do the first feed - I am trying to be tres organised! Although I'm sure come the time it will all go to pot...! x
Gosh I'd forgotten about the vit K and the placenta injection - I want both of those, as well! Thanks for reminding me!
You are super-organised - I think my plan is much the same as yours :)
Except I am still umming and ahhing over finding out the sex first. I am going between yes and no like a metronome. On fast haha!
Oooooh it's tough isn't is? I think what helps us stay Team Yellow is that our hospital won't tell us; it's their policy apparently... to find out we'd have to go private and is c. £70 and we thought, ahhh sod it, the surprise will be lovely!

How tempted to find out are you on a scale of 1 - 10? ;-) x
Oooooh it's tough isn't is? I think what helps us stay Team Yellow is that our hospital won't tell us; it's their policy apparently... to find out we'd have to go private and is c. £70 and we thought, ahhh sod it, the surprise will be lovely!

How tempted to find out are you on a scale of 1 - 10? ;-) x

The surprise will be awesome! Aw I love it :)
You're thinking boy at the mo aren't you?

Temptation scale is constantly sliding! Today it is 5 but a few days ago was 10 haha!
I think I have to work out how I'd feel walking away not knowing and go from there. I think I'd feel all itchy to know. Tis a dilemma fo sho xxx
Yep, I'm thinking boy - I say 'he' all the time when referring to baby and hubby says "Or her..." (he wants a girl I think), but I feel like I'm carrying a boy if that makes sense...

I think next time though I would deffo find out, the temptation would be too much! Will your hospital tell you at your 20-week scan? I think if there was someone saying "And do you want to know the sex...?" I'd be like "YESSSSSSSSSSSS! Tell me NOW!" Hehehe xxx
Gotta trust those instincts! I am so excited to find out if you're right!

Do you know, I don't know. My scans, OB, MW and delivery have all been/will be in different places :roll:
My 20 week scan is going to be where the OB and MW are but diff place to where I'll deliver and where I had nuchal. So I never know what to expect! xx

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