Birth Plan.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Need peoples advice that has been through labour!

I am in the process of trying to do my birth plan. I have been researching the different kinds of pain relief that is available in my hospital. I like to think of myself as quite a calm person so I'm hoping that is going to give me a good start! :lol:

The only one thing that I can say I really DONT want is an Epidural (after researching it and taking peoples expierences into account). Do you think it would be a mistake to state on my birth plan that I do not want one? Obvioulsy I am totally against them now but dont know how labour feels etc and might regret it but dont just want to have one under pressure...
My birth plan said in bold 'NO EPIDURAL! EVEN IF I BEG FOR ONE!' :lol:
Oh and I did beg for one with Hebe but they distracted me and my OH reminded me I didnt want one all along....and by the time the examined me to decide if I could have one I was 9cm and ready to push!
Thats what I'm thinking! Said to hubby the other day I really really dont want one and he said"oh, just have it if you need it" But one he read up on it he agrees we should try without.

Someone I know had one and after she had given birth Callum was crying in crib next to her she couldnt even get up to pick him up! I said to her Im totally against them and she just says "but you dont know what the pain is like"

I hate the idea of not being able to be mobile and being almost numb and not able to feel my baby coming out!
It also can slow things down being laid on your back. I had a 16hr labour with an epi and 2 6 hr labours without :)
Obviously im expecting a longer labour with it being my first but im putting it down I dont want one even if I ask. Thanks MM x
Id deff say you dont want one if you really are against them. Im going to be putting on mine the only pain relief i will have is gas and air and thats only when i have stitches lol x
Oh and I did beg for one with Hebe but they distracted me and my OH reminded me I didnt want one all along....and by the time the examined me to decide if I could have one I was 9cm and ready to push!

this is exactly what happened with me too, i was totally against it. and im so glad that no-one gave it too me. xx
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I might do the same - my OH has said he wont let me have one so I really hope he goes through with it as I can see myself begging and pleading with him. I can be very persuasive with him so hope he refuses! lol!

I'm hoping to last on G&A and a TENS machine, possibly Pethidine or Meptid if it gets too much.
Oh, I had my birth all printed out and planed on an A4 sheet of paper. What's that they say about the best laid plans? ;)
I kept an open mind about an Epidural, I'd have preferred to go natural .. but after 37 hours of hard labour at home, the nurse didn't even finish the "do you want an Epidural?" sentence!! I will say tho, if I'd known she'd be out 3 hours later I might have held off, but I was just plain exhausted and needed a sleep.
An epidural can also give you a fever, this happened with me and I ended up with a C-section because of it as baby's heartrate accelerated. My birht plan will state NO EPIDURAL too, I have also told OH that!

I think you will adapt as you go through labour, I am confident I can do it without drugs and at the very least gas and air if I really need to. Im hoping that the hypnobirthing techniques will assist me through the best part :)
I would say to write down everything that you do and dont mind, but try and keep a very open mind as things could be completely different from what you expect! I was adamant that I didn't want an epidural, but as I had never experienced child birth, I had said that when it comes to it and I say I want one-to give me one! As it happens, my labour was so quick (45mins from start to finish) that I really didnt have time for anything and my birthplan kinda went out of the wondow!!!

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