Big Feet

Rosie is just like Niamh and Katie, into everything, she constantly makes a run for the stairs or the door, and her highlight is turning the telly on and off, or chaning the channel with the sky box!!
awww! mads feet seem to be constantly growing, half a size ever couple of months - she's now a 5.5G bless her. yep and in to everything! mads current favourite past time is sky+-ing her favourite programme!! :rofl: and i'm not even joking!!
I guess Amelia has pretty big feet too she is a 5G!
Were going to get AJ's feet measured on Tuesday. New shoes for his birthday. I've picked them already - just hope his feet will fit!
Aww im sure they will, i loved it, you get a little picture taken, and everything, it felt like the queen!!! all because Rosie got her first shoes!! ha ha
They only had these in her size

But im thinking of ordering these now

(not sure why you can't post piccie)
aww bless her, Lily has big feet too which she gets from me and her dad! I'm a 8 and he's a 12 I think? She's currently a 7G!
They only had these in her size

But im thinking of ordering these now

(not sure why you can't post piccie)

They are just gorgeous!
I thought the boys selection is a bit naff to be honest! AJ will be wearing the same style till the make some nice ones or they dont make his size :lol:
i want pretty shoes!! i saw some white brogues in my magazine that were adorable!
Oliver has size 4G feet! I was trying to find a photo of his new shoes on the Next website, but I can't seem to find them. I'll take a photo of his over the next couple of days!
im looking forward to finding out his size!! bless him

Well Tuesday is the day.
I recon he's a 4, quite narrow too.
We have some size 3 trainers and next shoes that are getting on the small side. In fact the shoes he wore today are too small, 1st time he's wore them too!

ooh yes AgentM, piccies!!
SNAP!!!! AJ has the same size feet as Rosie!! 4.5G.

I really cant believe it. :shock:
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