Big Feet


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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Took Rosie into Clarks and got her feet measured for her first pair of shoes
The women came out with the baby measurer and tried, but it was too small, so had to go to the next.

Rosie has a whopping size 4.5 G feet, bless her!!
:lol: My two have big feet too! I love their you can see from my avatar! x
aaw bless her!! katie's always had big feet, dunno what size they are tho, cos we're a long way off needing shoes yet!!
I love your av photo, i suppose she is bound to have big feet though, im an 8 and her daddy is a 15!!
aaw bless her!! katie's always had big feet, dunno what size they are tho, cos we're a long way off needing shoes yet!!

I got her the crusing shoes, as she isn't at the stage of fully walking!!
she'll get there, dont you worry, then you'll be wishing she wasn't!!
Heebs was measured for pre walkers for nursery. She's got little fat ones..... 2.5 H were too long!

she's not standing either Alice. I was quite glad they didnt fit was nursery that wanted them on her so she'd stop pulling her socks and padders off every 5 mins!
tights are the answer to that one lisa! katie gets well frustrated cos she doesnt realise tights dont come off :rofl: i suppose i'm lucky in a way cos she wont be walking for aaaaages! but on the other hand, having two learning to walk at the same sort of time...
I wish they were allowed tights on but it's long socks at nursery.....well if they insist then they have to put the buggers back on! :lol:
i might sew them to the trousers.....
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Lisa, Alice, LO's walking isn't all its cracked up to be!! Niamh is walking and messing in everything. She is also on her 2nd pair of shoes at over £20 per pair!!
katie's into everything without the walking! we've got to be careful atm cos she likes to go for the front/back door...and she only bum shuffles!!
Well Niamh's been out of our back door (i didn't know Kian had left it open) and was walking barefoot on gravel!!
I'd never thought of the hazards of bum shuffling!! and it makes me feel a bit better that Katie messes, I'm ready to put Niamh in a cage!!
lol katie gets caged in in her travel cot when she gets too bad! one minute she's at the door, next its the book case, then the magazine rack, then the tv playing with the sky box, shut the cupboard so she cant get it and she's trying to play with the llight on the telly!! and then she chases the dog!!
Caitlyn's a 3.5 H which is rather frustrating. Must admit if we're not getting clarkes I tend to just get a 4... :lol:

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