big fat mumma!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Hiya all,
Had midwife appointment today as usual ( every week now) cos of my bp problems and she said i was lookin a little on the large side. So when she measured the fundal height instead of measuring 28 weeks like it chould it measured 37 !!!!! :shock: :shock: WTF does this mean? When i had my last growth scan at 22 weeks she was growing on or slightly below the middle line which i would of said was normal/smallish. Now i have been booked for a growth scan asap and they cant fit me in for another 2 weeks :wall: Any of you lovely ladies measuring large for dates or have measured large only to have normal size babies? I thought it was funny to start with ow i have to wait 2 weeks to see why and it relly bugging me. Any input from you lovely ladies would be very much appreciated,
Many thanks loads love, kaye and boys.xxxx
taken today at 28 weeks and 2 days
I don't think you look too big. Could you possibly be carrying a lot of water, this could make you measure big. So many people are told they are having big/small babies and then end up having average sized ones. Budge was measuring big and now she is measuring average so it can all change.

I would oil up down below though just in case :rotfl: (sorry!)
I don't think you look all that big either hun :? ,like skatty said maybe you have a lot of water,fingers crossed for you hun :hug: xx
:rotfl: skatty you do make me laff :rotfl: i didnt think i was that big either but feels it more so than i did with the boys. Consultant rang about 5 and said 2 weeks is too long to wait so they fitting me in tomorrow (thurs) at 9:30 so i dont have to worry for any longer than is necessary. Dont think oiling will make any difference im tall and wide and she should just fall out :rotfl: my second was only 55mins from start to finish :shock: xxx
Best of luck for tomo Kaye!!! Hope it all goes well for you and it does turn out to be just fluid and not a 12lber already lol
hi kayzee, the smae happened to me , at 34 wks was measuring 41 wks :shock:
turns out i have a higher amniotic fluid level than normal, had scans at 36 & 38 wks & it is a biggish baby , but the fluid has decreased a bit, but the consultant said that my baby is just producing more fluid than others :think:

good luck.
Hope its all gone well Kayzee :hug: , keep us updated with what happens.

AngelFairy Xxx
Hiya everyone,
Just got back from hospital and everything looks just as it should do for this stage. All her measurements measure 28-29 weeks and fluid level is surprisingley normal. At least i got to see my little girl again :hug: She has gone from 859g to 1378g in three weeks which is quite a jump of 1lb 2oz in 3 weeks at this stage but they are going to monitor it, might just be a growth spurt and that she begins to slow down now. As for me measuring so big maybe i just needed a good fart :rotfl: :rotfl: :oops: xxxx
im measuring bidg too hun, at 34 weeks and 1 day i measured 37 so your not alone:)
Dont you think little lady they make a fuss over nothing? They were really worried about mine cos of such a difference i seriously think it was just wind :oops:

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