Big Baby!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2005
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Went to midwife yesterday and she was having a feel on my bump. She said to me "you do know this is a very big baby"! I had a feeling but was hoping it was not. Apparently there is no room in my belly left and thats why i feel so much. I am going back in 2 weeks and if l/o has carried on growing she will refer me to have another scan and see if i will be able to delivery l/o properly.

Bloody o/h i think its his fault he is 6ft 6 and i am only 5ft 3 so it must have come from him.

Anyone else have a big one!
My LO was 4lb 1oz at my 4D scan (30+2), so if he puts on 1/2 pound a week between now and then, he'll be over 9lb!! :shock:
Imwarr, I'm 5' 1" and OH is 6' 5"!

Have been told baby is on the big side, but overall babies are usually better matched to their mum than their dad so don't worry too much.

On the plus side, bigger babies are supposed to be easier to deliver and might come a little earlier!
My DD was 9lb 2.5 and DS was 8Lb and early.

I am having a scan on Tuesday 25th to check this babies size, as she is meassuring way off the chart. I will then see my consultant.
This baby is being quite naughty really, she is still breech, i have a low lying posterior placenta and she is a heffa to boot.........all good fun.
LittleMinx said:
Imwarr, I'm 5' 1" and OH is 6' 5"!

Have been told baby is on the big side, but overall babies are usually better matched to their mum than their dad so don't worry too much.

On the plus side, bigger babies are supposed to be easier to deliver and might come a little earlier!

Oh dear, my situation contradicts little minxs but here we go.
Im only 5ft and dh is about 5.4 and our dd was 9lb 3oz and had to be delivered by c section. It was my failure to progress though, this could have happened to any size of baby.
Ive also been told that this baby is big and at my 33 week scan it was 6.5 lbs and growing. Im having another section.

I found she ate a lot but slept a lot and in general has been very good and up till maybe 5/6 months ago put weight on at some speed but that has now settled down. She is 2 and doesnt look any bigger than her peers.
Of course Laura, every rule has exceptions! My friend's mum is tiny and her babies were 9.5 (5 weeks early) and 12lb!!!

Maybe some mummy's are just pre-disposed to growing big uns! Am pleased all went well with your daughter, good luck with this one!

Incidentally, my mate Clare (the 12 pounder!) is only 5' 5" now and a very petite size 8-10. :D
yes imwarr, i have been told the same thing, although the difference with me & you is this is my 3rd baby so they do (supposedly) get bigger every time.

i have to have a scan at 38 wks to assess the babys size & midwife said they will not let me go even a day over due!!

i'll probably end up with a 7 pounder, they do get it wrong try not to worry :D
:shock: 7lb ers 12lb ers I want a tiny baby!

No not really just a healthy one will do. Just nice to be able to say to everyone i told you so. When i was complaint that i though she did not have any room in my belly everyone said oh they all say that and would not believe me! Now ha i am right getting good on the motherly instincts already! :D
sorry littleminx, I think contradict was the wrong word :( .
I never get it right, im still not sure what word it was I meant to use :lol:
I know you didnt take offence, your a sweetie.

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