Bicornuate uterus - any risks ?!


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2018
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I had a private scan yesterday at 9 weeks.
The Sonographer said “have you ever been told you have a Bicornuate womb?!”
I had no idea and as I miscarried in August I would have thought the NHS people would have told be when they scanned me back then !
I obviously asked doctor Google about it which seems to have been a massive mistake as I now worry about this (as I am not worried about my baby’s heart beat anymore I had to find something else right :-D )
Dr google on American and french pages says it’s then considered as a high risk pregnancy... and nothing on any UK webpages. Risks being early miscarriage. Second trimester miscarriage. Early birth and weak cervix! (Kill me now haha!)

Can you all tell me your experience regarding this? It’s also called having a heart shaped uterus. The sonographer didn’t say anything else. And I was on my little cloud thinking my baby was alive so didn’t really ask much at the time...
I'd speak to your GP and see what they say about it. Google will always give you worst case scenarios. x
I have this or rather had this before pregnancy. Some of them tend to sort theirselves out (mine has, no idea how).

I wouldn’t worry. Dr Google will only ever present the worst. From what I know, you have a higher risk of c section (they sometimes stay breach) and will be monitored more closely depending on whereabouts baby is in relation to this. Your midwife / consultant will discuss it with you on your next visit. For right now, I wouldn’t worry. I think the main impact is towards the end. There are also differing degrees of it too which obviously get taken into account.
It's worth mentioning to your midwife, who will probably then refer you to a consultant for more regular monitoring but really do try not to worry. I think it's one of the more common uterus abnormalities and shouldn't cause your any complications at all. I've got a unicornuate uterus, so only half a uterus and even then have managed to carry to term, our bodies can do amazing things and I'm sure you'll be just fine xx

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