
Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Well, today there was no sign of AF and on the basis that I am normally as regular as clockwork, I popped out at lunchtime and bought a pg test.
Came back, phoned husband, went to the loo at work and sat there and stared at my big fat negative for about ten minutes.
Totally depressing.
Still no sign of AF which is very weird.
I think I will test again in the morning but I'm not holding out much hope.
Feeling sad tonight.
Oh well, next month it is then!
Ahhhh, I'm so sorry you didn't get a BFP but there may still be a chance, some people don't get a BFP until later.....

I can understand how you must be feeling though. It's good that your AF hasn't arrived yet, you never know. Fingers crossed for you.
i knew someone who got 6 BFN before they got their BFP... Her AF was late which wasn't normal for her! she tested one day after, 4 days after, 7 days after.... went to see the doctor after being 2 weeks late. She didn't get BFP till she was almost 3 weeks late... Don't want to give you false hope but don't give up till your AF comes.... you could still be in with a chance.

Keep your chin up hun, it's not over yet, if you're as regular as clockwork then it's a good sign you haven't come on yet. Are you ever late?
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Bundles of baby dust coming your way.

Thank you all for being so positive!
I'm normally always spot on 24 days. The only time it was different was my first cycle after my m/c.
OK, well, I'll think happy thoughts then. Trying not to get my hopes up though.
When do you think I should test again? I bought a two-pack and I've still got the second so I could test again tomorrow? Is that too early?
Thanks girls!
Yes, I do think you should wait for a few days.............I know its hard, but the test picks hormones, so give them a chance to be released in larger quantities!!

Em xx
Oh Lucy, sorry your feeling low, but like the girls say, don't give up hope yet. It's great that she's not arrived, I'd leave testing for a couple of days.
I know how hard it is, the waiting is bloody awful! :roll:
I really hope your no-show turns into a BFP! :)
Fingers crossed for you, good luck!
**************BABY DUST*******************
Sam xx
aww hun sorry u got bfn but dont lose heart not till she shows her face
good luck with next test hope af stays away for you and you get bfp soon xxxxxxxx
Hi Lucy

Any news yet? Don't get down if it's a BFN. I got a BFP on the 4th day after AF was due. I tested every day and got a BFN until that day.

If AF does come don't feel too down either. I waited 2 months before trying again and I got my BFP on the 3rd month of trying after that so it can take a little time.

Good luck

AF arrived at about 2pm this afternoon.
I was out with my Mum and it was all I could do not to burst in to tears.
I didn't say anything to her because I didn't want her to worry but now I'm home I feel really down.
I know you're all in the same boat so you'll understand how desperately disappointing it is when AF arrives every month and you want to get pregnant so much.
My husband has been really sweet and says we'll try extra hard this month but at the moment it just feels sad.
It's making me think about my m/c and how blessed I was to have got pregnant and how sad I am still that I lost my chance.
Here's hoping that next month will be the month for ALL of us!
Thanks everyone for your support.
hugs and kisses to you and your OH - I really thought this was it for you...

thinking of you xxxxxxxxx

WOAH watch out for all that baby dust i just threw your way xxx
Oh Lucy, you sound so down. I know its awful, and we all go through it, but you must try to stay positive - it will happen again for you. We are thinking of you.

Take care xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aww babe, i'm so sorry. Sending big hugs your way.

Take care.

So sorry Lucy, it's a truly horrible feeling when evil AF arrives. Let yourself have a good sulk for as long as you need to. Have some choccie and wine to help comfort you.
Thanks girls.
I know we're all in the same boat here and it's really comforting to get your messages.
Right...this month I am knuckling down!
Charts, cough mixture, ovulation sticks, BD'ing left, right and centre.
I am leaving no stone unturned!
awww sorry you got your af hun big hugs to you xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Go for it Lucy!!!

Try and get away for the weekend with dh at some point that always seems to help. I conceived during a weekend away and I'm sure it was because I had that holiday feeling.

All the luck in the world to you this month.

Louise x
Hi Lucy,

When I read your post just now my heart just sank, I know how hard it is.. life is so cruel sometimes. I am absolutely beside myself when AF arrives.. like you I feel so angry and sad that we were so lucky to be pregnant in June when we weren't trying and losing the little bean was tragic but I kept hoping that I would be able to concieve again sooner so now when AF arrives I feel so guilty and angry too that now we are really trying we cannot seem to manage it.. its just not meant to be yet. To be honest I have not had any fertility signs since my m/c so I worry that perhaps my body is not ready yet either.. I have to hope that soon it will be the right time again.

Allow yourself to feel bad, you are probably still grieving - when AF arrives it brings back all the memories of the pain and the bleeding so it is natural that we feel so sad and lets not forget our emotions and hormones are all over the place when AF turns up...

Give yourself a big hug.. lots from us too...

Take care and give yourself time.
Thanks for your really sweet messages girls.

Anna Marie, I just posted a similar one on your thread!

Ahh well, we've got each other!


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