BFN :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Doesn't look like this is going to be my month :(
AF is due in 4/5 days and I've had two bfn and my cervix is low and open :cry:
sorry to hear that hun..

sorry if i sound thick, how do you know if your cervix is open or not!
4/5 days u say thas still early to test. try another in a few days
sunshinestars said:
sorry to hear that hun..

sorry if i sound thick, how do you know if your cervix is open or not!

lol no worries... i'm only just learning about all this stuff too.
I examined myself with a mirror and i can see the tip of my cervix (that's how low it it) and it has a small opening which is open. So i figured that when a woman conceives the cervix rises back up and closes to protect the egg. As mine is low and open it's probably waiting for AF to arrive even although it's still about 4/5 days away.

Thanks for all your messages. I have one more test left so i'm going to wait now. If i am late i will test again but i am ready for AF.
Baby dust to all you TTCers :hug:
Im not sure about cervix positioning but I know its probably too early to get a BPF hun so theres still chance yet x
notty.. i looked up the cervic positioning stuff too and apparently most of the websites say that although a womans cervix will rise it happens at different times in different women when pg so isnt a reliable indicator....

wait and see if you af is late and test then. good luck :hug:
Thanks for all your lovely replies :D
I feel abit more optimistic now.... and i will keep you updated!!
Hun I think that 4/5 days before AF is way too early to test. Test again in a few days you may get a different result :hug: :hug: :hug:

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