BF mums and/or mini-pill users


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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my last period was in august 2006 before i got pregnant, i just stopped breast-feeding one week ago, and altho iv still got milk i kno my hormones are crashing coz iv been feeling terribly emotional about it.

just wondered how soon after u stop BFing completely (not even occasional feeds or expressing) did u get ur period?

also, does the mini-pill stop it anyway? coz im not sure if its that or BFing thats been stopping mine since i went on it 3 months ago, so if im waiting for my first period now all the baby stuff's over (as far as my body's concerned physiologically lol) am i gonna be waiting forever coz of the pill. its called noriday my pill
I breastfed for 1 month but I was still bleeding slightly. My period was dead on 28 days after I initially stopped bleeding.
i went on the mini pill while b/feeding but it made me feel pregnant again and i started getting morning sickness :puke:

my gp said my progesteron levels were obviously high with b/feeding so adivsed it not as a method of contraception till i stop b/feeding

i was on mini pill prior to trying to concieve and had periods with it i still haven't had one since Dylans birth :cheer:
Hi Trix!

The mini-pill call stop your AF's. But you can also have an AF while you take it, so it's different for everyone. I would wait till you were 28 days from when you stopped BFing.

If you don't get one you could be one of the lucky ones that the mini-pill stops your AF.

If you are concerned about not having an AF (I know I didn't like it when I was on the depo injection years ago) go to the docs and discuss the combined pill where you have a 7 day pill free break where you have a bleed.

:hug: :hug: :hug: to you, hormones are hell!!!!


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