preiods after quitting BFing- when???


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i stopped BFing on valentines day, nearly 3 months ago now. i finished my mini-pills i was on then i went on the "full" pill, much better for me as it doesnt need to be taken at the same time and im often forgetful (altho i havent forgotten any, iv taken it perfectly) anyway im currently on my second pill break i WELL should be bleeding by now but im not. iv got to start the next pack on monday!
i kno u might say its coz im underweight but iv been a stone lighter than this in the past (5st 12!) and still had bleeds when on the pill. the only time iv been on the pill and missed a "period" was when i was pregnant! (that was coz i often forgot pills tho iv learned my lesson i havent recently so im not preg)
just wondered BFing mummies when u stopped how soon did u get AF?
i gave up BF 8weeks ago and am still waiting!!
i only breastfed for a week so it probably doesnt count, but i only got my period back about 2 week ago
trix i dont want to alarm you.. but being the weight that you are now might cause you to not have your periods. being under 7 stone can cause fertility problems as your body stops you releasing eggs.

im still bfing and i had my 1st period 6 weeks after teds birth.
The key is that with the pill, the bleed you have isn't a normal period. It is caused by withdrawal from the pill from the pill-free days.

I'm not sure how things would work when you go straight from breast-feeding to the pill but if you're at all worried speak to your doc or practice nurse for advice. It could be weight related but equally it could just be your body adjusting to the different pill. :hug:

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