BF babies and sleep


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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Following on from Lisa's post, I just wondered if it is possible for BF babies to sleep through the night at 3 months+ ?

Emms is waking twice a night for feeds and I dont know if it unrealistic to expect more than this at her age as she is exclusively BF. She did manage once a night a month ago but it seems to have changed again.

Just wondered . .
Yeah - we put Owen down around 9pm and although he wakes as 5am we just pop his dummy back in and he will then go til nearly 7am, he has done this for the last week :dance:
Yes it is possible hun. Calleigh sleeps from 8pm till 6.30/7am. She has done through the night for a couple of weeks now too.
Although i have been warned that when she hits 4 months she may wake again for a feed, which is fine by me as i dont sleep that well at the mo anyway.
i wouldn't mind her waking just once in the night. She's only ever done that once. She mostly goes down at 10, then is up at 3, 5.30 then 7.30. Please tell me these will filter down. even if she only gets up once!
glad you posted this hun cos i want to know the same thing.
my lo is still tiny so i know she needs frequent feeds but i want to think at some point it will get easier and she'll sleep through or maybe just need 1 feed. you don't hear much about bf babies slee[ping through-it's usually mentioned in relation to those on formula-i was starting to get a bit worried that a good nights sleep was years away. :D
some babies sleep through.

connor doesn't :roll:

he goes to bed at 10pm - if i'm lucky he'll sleep til 4am, but he's usually found clamped to a boob at midnight, 2am, 4am etc... if i didn't co-sleep, i'd be in bits. i'm just used to it now. i think he kips in between these night feeds, but i'm usually dozing myself and don't pay much attention. :lol:

he naps for 1/2 hour or so at lunchtime, and other than that, he doesn't really sleep! :shock:
Yup, my boy slept thru 7-7 from about 2.5 months, he actually slept better then than he does now!! He was exclusively breastfed and a big fat greedy beast!
No matter what, Luke always feeds around 11pm/12am, then again around 2/3am then again around 4/5am. Then it's morning LOL
Emms is usually fed 10pm, 2am, 5am, 7.30am. I find after her 5am feed she fusses a lot although she is asleep and I am awake listening to it! She grunts and her legs fly everywhere although I dont think it is wind as she doesnt seem to be in pain, just active!

We are thinking of putting her in her nursery to sleep soon as I just cant sleep when she is fussing although OH and she can!

I have got used to it, but just wondered what is happening with other peoples LOs. As it is possible, I hope we get there soon . . .

:hug: :hug:
Oliver started going through the night (7pm - 7am) at about 4.5months..... and it's BLISS!!!

Before that he was on 1 feed a night (at approx 2am) from about 3.5months.

Before that 2 feeds a night from about 2.5months.

Before that it was every 3-4hours per feed day & night.
My LO is exclusively breastfed (no formula) and slept through at around 6.5 weeks til 4 months - 7pm til 7am roughly. She then woke once or twice a night and I breastfed her when she woke, this was from 4 months to 7 months.

As soon as 7 months hit and we introduced 2 courses at each mealtime (cereal and toast at brekkie and a fruit puree, some fruit or a yoghurt or rice pudding after lunch and tea), she slept through again and now she ALWAYS (have probably just jinxed that) sleeps through 12 or 13 hours from 6.30pm/7pm to 7am/7.30am - even last night when we were away from home and she was in a travel cot.
I haven't found that my breastfed baby is a bad sleeper at all - she loves her kip!

Valentine Xxx
My little one doesn't sleep through but she'll only wake once or twice and it's no effort to feed her. I really believe that BF'ing does release a relaxing hormone too. Although I don't get as many hours all at once as I did I don't feel sleep starved at all these days, I haven't since she was a couple of months old and got into the routine of going to slepp in the first place.
yes it is possible, my baby sleeps through from about 7.30 until 8. Other nights she wakes once and goes straight back to bed. She's been sleeping through some nights since 6 weeks and is breast fed. (I do know how lucky I am :cheer:) My first daughter was a nightmare at night and I did the same thing with both so think its just luck and it depends on your baby! Having said that though they do get better, my daughter that was a terrible sleeper is excellent now and has been since about 8 months.
They can, but not all do. Don't think your baby is strange for not going all night without a feed by now.

By about 5 months is when they are actually able to go without feeding overnight. It may not be 8 hours but hopefully at least 6.

The iron in babies bodies lasts about 6 months from birth and that is when they then need something more than breast milk food wise IIRC.

Galen fusses for ages after his 4-5am feed. Drives me bonkers. He may be sleeping but he grunts and throws his arms and legs around. If he is awake then he gurgles and coos also and makes all his baby noises. So long as the mobile plays either way he is settled. He never looks to us to pick him up or cuddle him during his awake time though. He is quite happy in his cot. Its his party time :lol:

As soon as he goes from something like midnight to 6am between feeds is when he goes in his own room. Until then I can't be doing with it as he feeds 3-4 times a night.
midna said:
Sherlock said:
By about 5 months is when they are actually able to go without feeding overnight. It may not be 8 hours but hopefully at least 6.


Or 2 hours :lol:


I was forgetting you there :oops:

But really, by that age they don't *need* to feed overnight anywhere near as much and should/could in principle go for a fair stretch.

Your LO is onto a good thing there with your boobs. No way does she want to give them up by the sound of it :lol:

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