Best way to deal with this?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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Just recently Jake had started waking up at 4/5am. He starts making noises, then shouts then starts crying, all over a period of about 10 minutes.

Ive not been going into him if he is just making a noise but do go into him if he cries for more than 5 mins. Ive also started bringing him a drink of water or milk. (Last night I gave him some cerial for supper, hoping it would keep him all night, but no... :wall: )

Im worried that by doing this I am encouraging him to keep it up iykwim. I would rather stamp this out ASAP. I dont know whether to just ignore him crying and see how long he goes on for and see if he goes back to sleep. The neighbour cant hear him, Ive asked her so thats not a problem. But if I do ignore him am I being cruel?

I just dont want this to become a habbit
Do you have really dark curtains in his room?? If dont-get asap! Daniel was waking up at 5am in the morning, every morning! :wall: Until on Tuesday we got really dark curtains! :hug:
We had the same problem too with Tom. I felt exactly the same as you. In the end, I went in, put his dummy in and did the controlled crying thing. Checked him after 5 mins and reassured him then left it 10. Nine times out of 10 I wouldn't have to go back in again after the first 5 mins. He would settle himself. I'd try not to give him water/milk as I do think they learn that if they wake they'll get a bottle.
Like someone else said, have you got blackout blinds? That helps too.
Lucyxx :hug:
i have to give mia her milk otherwise she screams :wall: :wall:
we still HAVE to give hananh 2 bottles of milk through the night. (she takes it herself) Ive tried feeding her up in the day (so she possibly could not eat any more) and it still did not work. We've also tried to give her water. but all hell brakes loose til she gets milk.

Im just hoping it'll ride out, as shes sooo good everywhere else right now, this is my only problem, so i can live with it. (for now)
Isaac's always woke at that time and I just bring him into bed with us, but then I don't have to get up for work etc so I can understand what a nightmare it could be for you Natalie :hug: :hug: :hug:

Like others have said, I wouldn't give him a drink either, maybe try and keep him up an extra half hour at night, also not leave him too long so he doesn't get too upset, but again I never leave Isaac so different techniques..I'm of no use, sorry, I really hope he starts to sleep that bit longer for you, maybe some toys, light shows in his cot so he can turn them on and soother himself back to sleep?

Very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:

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