Best milk for constipation?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2013
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My lo is on sma gold for the past 2 weeks (bf before that) and now she's been having big problems pooing, when every happy used to be dirty! Makes her grumpy and she can't sleep, I think I should change her milk but my hv won't advise on formulas! I've been managing to get her to go with cooled boiled water, but I think she may need a change! Any recommendations? Xxx
Iwas bf for first 4 weeks and my lo not pooing for 8 days in a row so started topping up with aptamil comfort. I eventually switched to this from the boob and having poos once a day. It is £11.99 a tin cow and gate do a comfort version an is cheaper at £10.49 they are both the same company. Your hv can't favour a formula but should at least tell you whst is out there. Good luck.
Iwas bf for first 4 weeks and my lo not pooing for 8 days in a row so started topping up with aptamil comfort. I eventually switched to this from the boob and having poos once a day. It is £11.99 a tin cow and gate do a comfort version an is cheaper at £10.49 they are both the same company. Your hv can't favour a formula but should at least tell you whst is out there. Good luck.

Thank you Hun, I was thinking of trying Aptamil, should I try he normal first stage milk before the comfort? Xxx
Used cow and gate comfort with my son he never had constipation after that
Thanks ladies! I'm going to slowly change over to aptamil 1 and if that doesn't help, I will try comfort. Gave her a carton of aptamil 1 today and she drank it right down :) xxx
I switched from SMA gold to Aptamil for the same reason. Have had no toilet problems since & he went literally a few hours after switching when he hadn't been for 5 days x
My little girl was on aptimill and was always hungry and constipated so I put her on cow n gate comfort and never looked back it was amazing for her colic too!
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I had the same problem with sma and was advised by hv to try aptamil. Soooo much better! Just try stage one first. Comfort is horrid!
Apparently the ready made milk has an ingredient in it (for storing in liquid form) that has a laxative effect and is therefore different to the powder. Might be worth giving them the odd bit of ready made, I know it is more expensive but I tend to use a carton for the night/early morning feed and I use them if we are out and about too. My lo has gaviscon which can cause constipation so I think that helps it all keep moving.
Ahh yeah I use the ready made when we are out! I think she likes it more because feeding is always less of a struggle! Wish I could give it to her for every feed! Xxxx

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