Best baby moments


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
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Thought it'd be good to share all the beautiful things our LOs do.


- strokes my boob while I'm feeding him
- his first smile in the morning when he sees my face after waking up (if I could bottle that feeling and sell it I'd be a rich woman).
- lifting both his legs up and trumping and then looking at me with a huge grin on his face
- his giggle when Humpty Dumpty 'falls'
- him giving a huge burp and my DH saying 'That's my boy!'

oh and a million others

I am feeling loved up today.
My little boy is not a baby anymore he is 5 well 6 this year but he will only be my baby. When he was a baby everytime the old women from next door saw him she would always say hello lovie to him and when he started talking everytime he saw a old lady he would say hello lovie he was so small and cute and just the way he said it arww bless him. I made loads of money from them tho they would always give him a silver penny for look.
LOL the end to that sounds bad i did mean to put he made loads of money not me lol
lol. we come back with pennies for Freddie after every walk we go on round the village pretty much. he is certainly richer than we are at the mo.
Everbody likes baby you cant go past a baby with out saying arww. I do it all the time there just so small and you want to hold em. I often wonder what babies think but we will never know.
I like your pic he is so adorable can i have him lol. I have two kids 5 years old son and 2 year old daughter and found out three days ago got another on the way cant wait.
when noa n demba play- i love it watching them together. n when he smiles at me when i put him to bed n when he wakes up !! :love:
Aw these are all so cute!
I love it when Charley looks at Lacey and smiles! He really loves her!
The first smile of the day, you can't beat waking up to a smiling, babbling baby!

One moment i'm gonna love when it happens is when Charley finally sleeps through! lol

Lacey's moments are when she tells me constantly how much she loves me and that i'm the best and that she's missed me while at school!
Cahal has been an absolute joy from day 1, but these days are definitely the best so far, he's learning so fast and it's amazing to watch him look and feel new things, you can almost hear his brain whirring lol. He looks at me and smiles before showing me whenever he finds something new and the trust I can see he has in me just fills me up :love:

I enjoy every minute with him, stupidly so - I miss him when I put him to bed lol!
I like your pic he is so adorable can i have him lol. I have two kids 5 years old son and 2 year old daughter and found out three days ago got another on the way cant wait.

Congratulations! More cute lovely baby moments on the way for you then. Thank you for saying that about Freddie, he is very good natured too, we are very lucky - I think the ladies are going to be lucky when he's older as well!

I found DH and Freddie asleep on the sofa together this afternoon, got to add that to the list. :love::love::love::love:
Inky, I know what you mean. The just overwhelming love and responsibility I feel for my little man is amazing, and now you can start seeing it reciprocated through love and trust makes me fill up too.
aw lovely thread. Just put LO to bed and it's so quiet....sometimes we joke about getting him up cos we miss him:) (but we don't)

I agree ladies, the feeling of love is sometimes so overwhelming...when they look you in the eye...and smile...and giggle... feeling emotional!

Words don't seem to do justice to all the magical moments, I will just give one example,

When it's raining and miserable outside, sitting on the sofa/rug breastfeeding/cuddling/chatting/playing, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world:)
I agree. Cold and grey outside but so warm and snuggly indoors with our LOs!
Babies i sometimes wish that they stay babies for ever but then the sleepless night would kick in. Their just so warm, small and cuddle. xx
baby smiles and laughs! baby 'talking'! makes me melt evrytme! <3
When he holds his's so cute!

When he looks at himself in the mirror, smiles and goes all coy and burries his head in my heart just melt.

First smiles of the day, I just love his dimples!

When he looks down at my lap, I say Drake in a loud deep voice and he looks up and around trying to find the voice haha!

The way he goes stupidly excited in the bath

I have too many!!!! I love my boys more than anything in the world. The feeling of pride is immense. They are everything to me. Ooo I'm getting emotional!
Love it when Freddie 'sings' with me.

Bath time is awesome I agree Yodabo.

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