belly buttons!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2008
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OMG after reading the post about bumps i've just had a quick look to see how my bump is doing and i noticed my belly button!!!!!!!!!

its like changed massively !!!! its kinda shallower :?

i know they pop out eventually, whats everyone elses up to ???

sorry for the TOTALLY random post :doh:
Mines not an outy yet, maybe it will be when I get more pregnant though :think:
Mine popped out about a week ago.Very attractive.
You can see in poking through my top :oops:
Mine has actually got a lot deeper, and cant see it popping out now........which I am so glad about - I hate belly buttons at the best of times, without having to look at the inside of mine, on the outside :puke:
Mines not popped yet but i dont think it will be long.
jools221181 said:
Mines getting flatter now - looks more like a bum hole :rotfl:

Even though im a grand old 39 i have a very childish sense of humour and that really made me chuckle thank you so much i needed that lol :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Mine is a deep inny as im a big mumma but it is definitely getting shallower
gate crashing im 40 weeks and mine hasnt popped. Ive always thought it doesnt have a bottom.
Mine seems to be getting smaller and smaller and I have a faint darker ring around it!! I think mine will pop soon!!!! :lol:
i have a outy belly button anyway so it won't poke out much lol
Mine's getting shallower by the day so it wont be long til it's an outy!! :lol:
Mine still an inny, but it seems to have developed a bit of a lip to the top though which is odd :roll:

I've got a surgical scar in it from an op I had in the summer which has now gone dark brown :puke: Which means it looks really dirty like I haven't washed for weeks (or maybe like a poo-ey bum hole!!!). Nice!
Mines getting shallower too. Don't want an outtie it's scary : :? :lol:

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