belly button


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2008
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my little girls cord fell off when she was a week old. shes now 13 days old and her belly button has just started bleeding is this normal? thanks in advanced xx
It can be a good while before their wee belly buttons close right up - I think Baillie was a good 3-4 weeks. I would just keep it clean hun and keep an eye on it. If your really not happy - speak to your Health Visitor x

Kim x x x x
It's probably rubbed a bit on her clothes as the scab is coming off. Just try and keep it clean. If it doesn't clear up in a few days just check it with the HV.
i dont thnk you ever stop worrying lol! my 2 had funny bellybuttons my 1 yr old has a little heria i think but nothing serious hope it heals well soon hun
It could be a little scab as it's such early days, but it could be an umbilical granuloma at worst - Lucy had one, and it needed to be 'burnt' with silver nitrate by the doc (Lucy was much older than 2 weeks though, so please don't worry yet). It didn't appear to hurt her and it healed well afterwards. I don't think it's anything to worry about, but might be worth getting it looked at if you're worried.
Sounds normal to me hun, it might smell a bit too! Amber's was rank! :puke:
But if your still worried get your HV to check just to put your mind at rest, and its perfectly normal to worry alot, I'm always worrying and phoning my mum about something!
NickyB said:
It could be a little scab as it's such early days, but it could be an umbilical granuloma at worst - Lucy had one, and it needed to be 'burnt' with silver nitrate by the doc (Lucy was much older than 2 weeks though, so please don't worry yet). It didn't appear to hurt her and it healed well afterwards. I don't think it's anything to worry about, but might be worth getting it looked at if you're worried.

All my first 3 had that! Though they had a little sticky up bit (hard to explain lol) which was red and sore looking (though dont know if it was sore too her!?)

It is more than likely just rubbing on the nappy! Lola's kept occasionally bleeding for a few weeks! :hug:
If it's just bleeding a bit then, like others have said, it prob just rubbed on nappy or clothes. Just keep it clean with cool boiled water.

But if it smells or has yellowy discharge you need to let you HV or Dr know cos it may be infected and they'll need to do a swab. My youngest had an infection after her cord fell off and the swab showed Strep B so she had to have antibiotics at a week old.

Nothing to worry about I shouldn't think. (Not that you will ever stop worrying - part of being a Mummy!)

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