belly button


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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Hi everyone, once again, I am here, with my worries not answered by midwife, so I come to you, as you are usually so much more helpful!

Maheen is one wek old tomorrow, and the cord fell off this morning. Her belly button stinks and inside, it's all wet and whitish/yellowish. I always thought that when the cord would fall, the belly button would be sealed and dry!!!!!!!!!! :shock:

Yesterday when my midwife came, it was lready very smelly and I showed it to her but she said not to worry, that it was fine! yea, well, I still worry now it's gone and still wet and glue like inside!!!!!

Is this normal, or should I get to the GP straight away?
he week end is coming, and I am getting panicked coz of course no surgery is open on weekends!!!!!!!

what should the belly button look like?

thanks for your replies,

Mel xx
Jamies was very mucky for turned out to be a "umbilical granuloma" which i managed to clear up myself by cleaning it with salt water. If it doesnt get better then i would see your GP, i think it is normal for it to remain a bit mucky when the cord drops off so i dont think you have any reason to panic. If it does turn out to be a granuloma then it can be treated easily so dont panic!
Maybe try the salt water...healed jamies up really fast!

Sorry me waffling on here!!


Kiaras cord was a bit mucky for a few days after it fell off and it slowly turned into a normal looking belly button so not to worry unless it gets any worse, or if your really worried go see a doc.. hopei helped.
Charlotte hung on to hers for about 11 days!!
It is still a bit yellowy, and leaves yellowy bloody stuffon the inside of her nappy. i have been cleaning it with slightly salted boiled water, but im sure its normal. Has it scabbed over or not??
thanks girls,

Midwife came today, just when we were about to leave for town center (maheen's 1st week birthday! :lol: ). she was already dressed up for going out, very warmly, so had to take everything off to show the bellybutton to her!!!! typical! :lol:

she said it looks fine, just to keep on washing it with saline water, which I hate doing, but I do it! I am alwaqys so worried I am going to hurt her, or make things bad!!!!

anyway, she said it looks good, so I am going to try to not worry about it! :?

thanks again!

take care,
mel xx
I was told not to do anything to the belly button, just wipe it with warm water and cotton wool at every nappy change, and it was fine, it was a bit gooy and smelly a few days before and after it fell off but it soon healed itself, I wouldnt worry too much, leave it for a few days and see how it goes???
Thanks Lauz

Actually, now, it looks much better, it is round and there is another part of skin inside...does not look at all like mine though! I don't know whether it will go in, or what!!! looks strange to me, but at least it's not smelly or wt anymore! phew! :wink:

mel xx

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