Being sick and fussy.

I know it's nothing unusual for Damien to be sick, but for the last couple of days he has been vomiting all his food aswell as milk, and it's alot, and this isnt normal for him (not since he has been on reflux milk). He has been very fussy and clingy. He hasn't been drinking properly, will cry for milk but then won't drink it. He won't take solids, and when he does he spits it out or pukes it up.He won't take juice. He cries like he wants to chew on stuff but I give him his dummy and he spits it out. He chews on my finger but cries still. I give him a cold teether and won't take it. I gavce him a finger biscuit to chew on (whilst I held it) and he still cried. He hasn't slept properly for the last few days and at night is only sleeping for about 5 hours straight, and in the day he will only settle for 20minutes at a time.

Do you think it's teething or should I worry it might be something else? He has taken some milk down and his fontanelle is only ever so slightly dipped. He is smiling sometimes but is very fussy (which isn't really like him at all).

I'm normally confident just to give calpol and ride it out but it's been on for a few days now and I can't think what it would be.

Any ideas please? :think:
Hiya Sami
I would say as long as he's keeping something down, he'll be OK for another day or 2. If he still doesn't improve, or cannot keep anything down, get him to the docs.
It's probably just a little bug or something that will go away on it's own.
That's what I was thinking, but sometimes I just need a nudge to say I'm doing the right thing.
Are his nappies still wet? The poor wee soul. It could just be a wee bug but it might be worth calling nhs direct just for peace of mind. This sounds familiar to something Jess went through. They said they couldnt give me anything for her but I was to keep an eye on her nappies and they suggested a rehydrating powder from the pharmacy which I didnt need in the end.
His happies aren't as wet as normal, but they are wet. He is fighting sleep as we speak.
Cheers guys, I'll see how he goes tomorrow. Is it okie to give babies brown sugar and water to help them poo still? Or is that a no no? He hasn't poo'd at all today and it's not like him, he poo's for britain normally! :lol:
Sorry I cant offer any advice but I hope he's better soon

L x
sounds like he might have a little bug to me to. if he doesnt pick up soon there is no harm in going to the doctors. i went with eva last week cos she had conjunctivitis. the doctor checked her over and said she had a sore throat too! and is teething. she told me to give her calpol every 4hours even if she didnt seem too bad.

its so hard not knowing what is hurting them etc. hope you find out whats up and he feels better soon.

him being clingy could be due to him teething aswell. eva was screaming last night and just wanted to cuddle into me. x
Dior does become ver clingy when she is cutting a tooth, has he had runny poohs too? thats usualy the give away for Dior when she is teething, as forhim not sleeping try mediced it helps aid restfull sleepworks wonders for Dior, its just like calpol but makes them drowsy too
Cheers, I'm gonna give him some more calpol - he is being a right grizzly bum today bless him. Wouldn't nap this morning for long (bye bye went my nap too) and is shouting at me from his bouncer now :lol: poor thing. he had some calpol last night and managed to sleep from 11pm - 8am which was brilliant. He needed it after not napping yesterday.
thats brill, eva slept froom 8pm and woke up at 3am, 6am and then we got up at 10am.

she is sooo whingey and clingey too
hey Sami - What foods is Damien taking?

So far I've only given Naomi rice and apple puree...except for that disastrous adventure with the jar of babyfood that turned her nappy as green as the hedge!

Sometimes it can be a wee reaction if you've introduced something new in the last few days? Is there a lot of mucus in his nappies? Is his nose running clear or is it stuffed?

I notice that Naomi is a little more vomity than she has been on the reflux milk alone. I think it's because things are changing. She was very clingy the last week or so, but she's started to recognise different people and know when I'm not around.
He has jar's of hipp organis at the moment, one veg and one fruit a day. I dont give them to him when he's ill though as he needs milk to re-cover. His nose if often stuffy but I thnk it's because he has reflux and the sick stays in his throat. Nappies are okie, just a bit firm! he seems a little better now, just still a bit clingy. He had bright red cheeks yesterday so it might be teething :)

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