Being Induced


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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Has anyone here been Inducted in prevoius pregnancies?

I will have to be induced either before xmas or after xmas depending on test results.

Is it the same as going in to labour but just a case of planning when?

I know how they start you off etc, just wonderd wether the pain is the same, less or worse?

Also, does anyone know if you can still labour in water if you are induced?



I have been induced with all of my pregnancies (five) so I dont know any different to be honest. Bearing in mind though that the last time was eleven years ago, so Im not sure whether things have changed.

When I went in I had a pessirory at night to soften the cervix which gave me very strong Braxton Hicks, then in the morning they put me on a drip. All were varying lengths in labour. 31 hours/13 hours/6 hours/27 hours/27 hours.

This time Im hoping to actually start myself but im not holding my breath as I was checked yesterday and they said that my cervix was not ready. (im due tomorrow) Grrrrrrrr. So i might be going in at the end of next week to be induced too.

Ragna xxxxx
Thanks Ragna, hope you do go by yourself this time, i will keep my fingers crossed for you!

i have heard that if your induced your labour is more than likely to be a long one, is there any truth in that?

Not sure but ive heard the same. Thinking bout it logically, I guess its because if you are being induced your body isnt ready to give birth yet, so takes a longer time. But dont know if thats correct.

The reason I was checked yesterday was to see if I was ready to be induced as they dont want me to have a long labour as I have to take injections to prevent clotting and its not safe for me to be off them for a long period of time. And as I am still here...I wasnt ready !! Grrrrrrr

Ragna xxx
Dear Layla

I was induced this time around with a drip - they couldn't use any of the gentler methods as my waters had broken. The disadvantage of the drip is that the contractions are extremely strong, and they feel as though they are starting at the peak, rather than natural contractions which build up to a peak, therefore I found it difficult to cope with the pain. The advantage is that it gets the job done - I had laboured for nearly 3 days with fairly strong contractions, and was only 4 cm dilated when they eventually induced me because my waters had broken so early. After that it took about 8 hours to dilate the final 6 cm and then another 2 hours of pushing - therefore this is a lot quicker than my body would have done without intervention. It is quicker because the contractions are stronger and therefore more effective.

However if your waters haven't broken, they can use a gel which softens your cervix - this is much gentler. They are likely to start with something like this (assuming other methods - e.g. sweep - have failed). This often kick starts contractions but if it fails then they will try something else - e.g. breaking your waters and then finally the drip.

Hope this helps - feel free to pm me if you want to know anything else

thanks littlebump :)

lots to think about there, i doubt if my waters would have broken so its more than likely going to be the gel.

Im not due to see my midwife for another week so i will speak to her more about it then, i want to know wether i can still laubour and birth in water if induced, providing im not put on a drip of course fingers crossed i can!
I was induced last time around, and found it very painful from the off.

Basically I was 5 mins apart for 24 hours :? Only afterwards did my midwife tell me that actually, yes, being induced takes longer and is more painful.

I also had a reaction to the pessary, which made my bits feel like they were on fire!

As far as water birthing goes...If you have any form of different labour ie. inducion, high blood pressure etc, my hospital will only allow you in the water for pain relief, when delivery time comes you have to get out. I'm not sure if all hospitals are the same, just ring yours and ask.
thanks urchin,

by the sounds of all these posts i wont be in the water long anyway, best phone the hospital and tell them to stock up on the epidruals lol :D
Hi Layla,

just thought i'd add my experiences of induction with first and third

with first i was induced with a pessary at two weeks over - one at 6am another at 10am but had no contractions until they did an internal at 3.30pm (just backache) - he was born in the lift on the way to delivery at 4.05pm

AFAIK, the pessaries only work if you're 'ready' for labour

with third i was induced with oxytocin drip at 7pm (my waters had broken at 5am and they wanted me to give birth within 24 hours) and found the contractions unbearable straight away as i had to lie on the bed being monitored. The stupid student midwife kept increasing the dose to get things going quicker but at 9pm i got stuck at 4cm and my old section scar ruptured so ended up with another section anyway. If they put you on a drip, ask for an epidural.

Tracy xx
wow Tracy!

thanks for that, i have decided i will prob have an epidrual anyway, i was a wimp on my last 2 so i doubt if this time will be any diffrent lol.

I was hoping to go to the midwife lead center but i can kiss that goodbye now, but im secretly glad coz now i can have my drugs hehe :D
i was induced with my son. it is the same as going into labour on your own, it just comes on faster. in my case i was induced with pitocin at 7.30 am and my waters were broken and i had my son at 1.10 in the afternoon. the contractions didn't become very painful until about 11.00am and by the time they got there with the epidural i was already pushing and didn't need it. Although it still wasn't a walk in the park, it turned out to be a lot easier and faster than i had expected. i am hoping this baby will be the same!! the hospital i was at wouldn't let me in the water as i was hooked up to an i.v. however it wasn't a birthing pool anyway and just a tub to help relieve the pain. hope this helps. try not to worry. i would be induced again in a minute rather than waiting to see what happens naturally. at least that way i know what to expect this time around! :lol:
I had a natural 48 hour labour with my first which was tough but fine. With my second I was induced for being 10 days over due date, she was born in less than 2 hours but it was horrid - I would never be induced again if I can help it.
I've only had one baby so I don't have anything to compare it to, but I've heard it can be more painful(if you're induced with a Pitocin drip) because the contractions don't slowly build up. I was induced at 11 days past due. I went in on a Wednesday night and Ava was born on Friday afternoon.

I was managing fine until they started the Pitocin drip. I was slammed with intense contractions and the intensity never let up. I was on that drip from Thursday morning until right before she was born the next day. Painful and exhausting! I got the epidural mid-morning on Friday and it gave me SUCH relief.

I don't think you are a wimp. You are sensible.

I am definitely coming round to the idea of an epidural.

Unfortunately mums don't get invited to award ceremonies to receive their brownie points for surviving labour without the need for pain relief.

Sod it, my dentist had an epidural with all three of her babies and she isn't suffering any ill effects from it.
thanks Sarah :)

i tried really hard not to give in last time but it seemed on both, as soon as i got to 5cm i just knew i couldnt do it anymore.

they were both fab tho, no pain at all! i could still move and fell my legs and i was also able to feel when to push, just without all teh pain, it was great :D
Hello Layla,

Wow, thats news, that means you'll know when your getting induced so it looks like your having your first then eh, unless of course i go into premature labour. Well i hope all goes well, i just learned about that at my prenatal class this week and she said that usually when your induced the labour is longer, but of course for the few its different.
I meant to say before - if you are on the drip, you have to be constantly monitored to ensure baby isn't in distress after each contraction, therefore water birth wouldn't be an option.

Not sure if the same applies with the gel. Of course if you opt for the epi you won't be able to go in the water anyway - not that you'd need it!

Good luck

cheers for all your replies guys :)

I didnt get a phone call yesterday from teh hospital so im guessing im not a diabetic, if i was i had to go back in a week to talk about induction before xmas, so now i will have to wait till the next scan which is on the 22nd of Dec. I will see a doc after that to arrange a date for after xmas if he has got even bigger.

so fingers crossed i will be having him just after the new year :D

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