Been told I must wean...:(


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Lil miss went for her 4 month check today (shes more than 4 months but the clinic is always busy :roll:)

She had her jabs which was like WOW!!! :shock: She cried for 2 secs when the needle went it then was all giggles and laughs... then fell asleep for a couple of hours and woke up full of sunshine... I was amazed...

She was also weighed and is 7.750kg.... thats nearly 17lbs... and shes 67cm... shes a big lass :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I mentioned lil miss' reflux and her 17x a day feeds and the paediatrician was shocked and she wants me to start her on solids just one meal a day of fruit/veg puree or cereals... at first she wanted me to put cereal in her night time bottle (they still do that here and they make something called papilla specially for that). I had to tell her several times that lil miss is an exclusively bf'd baby which doesn't seem to be the norm :think: also she won't give lil miss meds for the reflux as the weaning might make it better rather than pump her full of drugs...i can see her point really...

So my question is... do I not introduce solids because I just want to wait till 6 months or introduce them... lil miss fulfills all the requirements....including the weight one...and she seems to need more even though I was hoping it was a spurt... :think: I just like her being my (not so) little lil miss... :(
That does seem alot of feeds a day hun but its up to u in the end :hug:
Judging by the way you've written that I would guess that you don't feel ready to wean her. So don't.

It is YOUR choice, not theirs. If you are happy feeding her so frequently and she is clearly doing well, then stick to it for a bit longer. If you need a break then it can't hurt to try :hug:

I started to wean DD at 4 1/2 months then realised neither of us were ready so went back to just milk for another month. There's no rule that says you can't try it and then decide not to :)

Hope you come to a decision you are happy with :hug: :hug:
See ... I'm not happy with the amount of feeds a day even though she's doing amazingly well on it... its why I mentioned it... I'm working again now doing two jobs... and the sheer amount of milk I have to express off just to go out for a couple of hours is silly... weaning her would make that transition easier...

I was told to introduce formula a while back but had such a bad experience with formula when she was in hospital that we decided to steer well clear... and I won't be introducing cows milk products till she is much older... DH and I both have problems with our stomachs which mean cows milk products can give us upset stomachs and it seems that it does the same with lil miss...

I dunno... I think I don't want to introduce them, not because she isn't ready but because I like having my little baby.... weaning seems like such a huge step away from that... I suppose it won't hurt to try her with a meal a day and see how she goes... :think: I better start getting blending.. :rotfl:
Its a toughie cos I know you really wanted to get to 6months before weaning and even if doctors do recommend weaning ultimately its your choice. By the sounds of things its hard for you both, so much feeding and lil (big) miss is probably hungry and uncomfortable cos of reflux... if weaning will help with this then maybe its worth it? Could you try her with something for a few days and see how she is and if you see any improvement and then make a final decision?

I really really wanted to get to 6months before weaning Ellie and after a lots of agonising and looking and the pro's and con's we decided that it was best if she was weaned and im glad now that I made that decision but at the time I went through loads of emotions... guilt, sadness, worry, upset... you name it I felt it, its so hard making decisions like this but im certain when you come to your decision it will be the right one for Serena :)

Good luck whatever you choose hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw hun- wish I had a magic answer :hug:

Get blending - and then get pregnant, replace a rapidly growing up miss with a new baby miss (or mister ;)) :rotfl: :hug:
monster_munch said:
Get blending - and then get pregnant, replace a rapidly growing up miss with a new baby miss (or mister ;)) :rotfl: :hug:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: This time next year according to Dh ;) ... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Just wanted to say that my son's reflux has improved a lot since we started weaning. x
Hmm hard one, and notreally qaulifeid to answer it, but if you feel your gut instict isnt too wean her then dont do it.
will she take water ? i know its naughty but i could send u some gaviscon and see if it improves her ? iunstead of weaning when u dont want . unless lelands having a bad day his nearly stopped puking at all :D

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