Been to the doctors


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2006
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Been to the doctors and she said porbably nothing to worry about but she has got me an appointment for the early pregnancy assesment unit for monday at 9.15 the hospital i have to go to is about 60 miles from where i live.told me to have full bladder so i must be going to get a scan.
Feel so nervous just want it over with.
Has any of you ladies been to the epu after having spotting if so what did they do when you was there ?
sorry darling never been,how come your epu is so far away,are you in the middle of the sticks or something :hug:
that's miles away!
I've been to EPU a bilion times now, they just ask whats been happening and sometimes take a wee sample, etc. They will give you a scan then let you know if they find anything and send you home, sometimes with a follow up appointment.

Good luck babe xx
its just a small town where i live we have hospital maternity unit and all that but you always get sent down to the bigger hospitals with anything like that,thats where i went to have my last 2 kids coz the maternity unit up here dont have the equipment if there was a problem pretty useless.
from my dates im 8weeks do you think an external scan will work out ok ?
Yes hun external should be fine, but they might want to try and internal if they can't see too clearly x
Only problem now is trying to get a full bladder whilst having to sit in the car for over an hour :rotfl:
I went to EPAU last week and they took a urine sample, a blood sample, did an internal examination and prodded around at my belly, when i finally got my scan they tried to do it externally but couldnt really see anything so they had to do an internal scan.

I think a lot of hospitals do things differantly so maybe you wont have to go through all that.
i thought i was coming up to 9 weeks when i had my scan, turned out i was 7w6d and could see the tiny little bean and heatbeat so you should be fine. i wouldnt recommend drinking too much if youve got an hours drive, maybe stop 10 mins before you get there and drink, then drink while you are waiting. good luck x
mishm said:
Only problem now is trying to get a full bladder whilst having to sit in the car for over an hour :rotfl:

Tell me about it, I've just driven for 4 hours without stopping for the toilet once! :roll:
Glad you've got an appointment sorted.

I'm 8 weeks and yesterday I was scanned through my tummy and I didn't have a full bladder (basically because I'd been sent straight there from the MW appt - and I'd already been to the loo!) so I thought I'd have to have an internal scan, but she found it no problem - she had to 'zoom in' a lot so the resolution was not very good, but we saw the bean and heartbeat with no problem.

Fingers crossed everything goes well on Monday.

good luck for monday hun, hope everything goes ok!!!
Hope everything goes ok hun
They should be able to see externally, dont worry tho, the internal isnt as bad as it seems! the probe looks HUGE :shock: but really they basically place it inside slightly which is a relief!!! :lol:
Thanks hopefully i will have good news monday fingers crossed.
will keep you posted.xx
good luck!

I have visited EPu and they tok aurine sample and did a scan.

As for external scan, I would have thought that they could pick up your LO now :)

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