Been to the doctors


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Well, I went to my docs today and I have to say, he was very good. I told a tiny white lie :fib: and said I'd been off the pill for 12 months, where it's only actually 8 months. I know this is a bit naughty, but I know my body and I am sure something isn't quite right with these pathetic 2 day, light, brown spotting periods, and it seems that he agrees with me.
I am having blood tests done at day 23? or a week after I ovulate, as I am irregular. They will test my thyroid, progesterone, androgens, prolactin, oestrodial and then loads of abbreviations I am unsure of - FBC, ESR, TFT's, LH/FSH and LFT - no idea what all these mean, if anyone does, I'd be grateful of the info!!

The only thing is now, I am scared. I think now, by going to my doctor, I am admitting there is a problem and that worries me. What will these blood tests reveal, will I ever get pregnant or am I infertile? It's awful, but is it normal to feel like this? I guess the main thing is that I am looking into it rather than burying my head in the sand.

Has anyone got any experience of these kinds of blood tests, and if so, what happens next?

I had worries like this last year when I only had 2 AFs in the whole year!

But, what the doctor said to me was that, even if they do find a problem, there are very few problems that mean you are totally unable to have a baby.

The likelihood is your tests will come back fine and you will be able to clear your mind of all the doubt and worry which resides in there at the moment.

:hug: for you hun!
KeLe101 said:
Well, I went to my docs today and I have to say, he was very good. I told a tiny white lie :fib: and said I'd been off the pill for 12 months, where it's only actually 8 months. I know this is a bit naughty, but I know my body and I am sure something isn't quite right with these pathetic 2 day, light, brown spotting periods, and it seems that he agrees with me.
I am having blood tests done at day 23? or a week after I ovulate, as I am irregular. They will test my thyroid, progesterone, androgens, prolactin, oestrodial and then loads of abbreviations I am unsure of - FBC, ESR, TFT's, LH/FSH and LFT - no idea what all these mean, if anyone does, I'd be grateful of the info!!

The only thing is now, I am scared. I think now, by going to my doctor, I am admitting there is a problem and that worries me. What will these blood tests reveal, will I ever get pregnant or am I infertile? It's awful, but is it normal to feel like this? I guess the main thing is that I am looking into it rather than burying my head in the sand.

Has anyone got any experience of these kinds of blood tests, and if so, what happens next?


good luck for your tests hun i hope they can give you some way forward.

those tests are: full blood count, clotting, thyroid function tests, hormonal tests and liver function tests all pretty routine xx :hug:
Aw, thanks Rusks - they all sound pretty routine blood tests. Fingers crossed they come back ok when I do finally have them :pray: :pray: . Thanks again for replying. :hug:
Hi hon,

I've had the same workup done myself, and that's when I found out I had a high probability of PCOS. I have to say, putting a name to what was going on really helped me focus and figure out how to start to fix my body. I think you'll find that once you've got some results, regardless of what it is, you'll feel better and be able to have a plan of action. Good luck, sweetie! :hug: :hug:
Aw, thanks Sam :hug:

Mel - thanks for replying :hug: , you're right and at least I will have more idea on how to tackle this if they do find there is a problem. Do you have any symptoms of PCOS?
KeLe101 said:
Aw, thanks Sam :hug:

Mel - thanks for replying :hug: , you're right and at least I will have more idea on how to tackle this if they do find there is a problem. Do you have any symptoms of PCOS?

I do, but not nearly as many as I used to. When I had the bloods done, I hadn't had a period in almost a year, and even then I think it was just anovulatory bleeding, so I don't know how long it had been since I'd actually ovulated. Now I'm a bit overweight (but slowly getting back to a normal bmi), I have some excess hair in places where females don't like it to be ( :oops: :lol: ), and I have some blood sugar issues, but I generally am able to control most of it with a decent diet and some nutrients and herbs that I take to balance me out. I also had a miscarriage a few months ago, which is more common in people with PCOS, sadly, but obviously we're trying again and the doc says he doesn't see any reason why I wouldn't be able to get pregnant again since I'm obviously ovulating. So it's not the end of the world, and it's manageable. :) :hug:

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