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Been to the doctors tonight


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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Evening, everyone. Hope you're all well. Just got back from the doctors after our 6-month ttc time is up. She was very nice and straightforward. Surprisingly she didn't seem that concerned by my lack of pregnancy. She was positive about my regular periods (28-29) days (ish) and also positive when I told her I'd been using the clear blue digital ovulation kit that had been detecting a surge regularly since I'd been using it. She said the fact that I'd never been pregnant before might mean it will take mean little longer to conceive, in her experience. Anyway, managed to get my day 4 bloods booked for this Wednesday, and my 21-day bloods booked for 18 April. I think my 21 days fell on a Sunday but she said the day before or day after the weekend was fine. Hubby also got his semen sample bottle there and can go any time to drop that off. This was the point it all went downhill. Our local hospital in Huntingdon doesn't accept samples anymore. We have to go to Cambridge to drop it off - within an hour! If anyone knows Cambridgeshire, getting from where I live (West Cambs) to Cambridge in an hour is impossible because of the congested roads. Talk about making it difficult for us. We've been discussing it since we came back trying to think of a plan. The only way we can make it is if he does the deed near the hospital. He was thinking about doing the sample in a toilet cubicle but I said it was too risky - especially if someone heard him. The doctor said they have rooms there he could use so we think he's going to do that. He's not keen but it's the only way. It ruined the whole evening after everything else went well. Hey ho. If my bloods and his sample come back ok, she said they would probably do a scan to check my tubes, etc. Unfortunately I've gone past the cut off point for free IVF, so we're praying everything's ok with our bodies. The doc did warn us that it was very rare they ever found a perfect semen sample - there is nearly always a problem with them - sometimes minor but a flaw nethertheless.

So feeling a bit better the wheels are in motion. Just a shame about the trip to Cambridge. :(
Hiya, quite a few of us been where you are! Dont worry I'm sure all your results will come back fine and you will get a BFP soon. I was lucky that we lived within an hour of the clinic and could do semenology at home, I bet it is really embarrasing to have to do it there, but it will all be over soon enough!
it will all be worth it when ye get yer :bfp:

so happy for you hun!

bummer about having to go to cambridge, but keep that :bfp: in mind!

FX for you huni. x x x
Thanks, girls. The doctor said it was surprising how many women fall pregnant once the fertility investigation ball starts rolling. They become more relaxed knowing they're getting help. Fingers' crossed this happens to us :) It'll be even better if it happened before hubby had to go to bloody Cambridge :D
Good news shame about the fly in the ointment with the travelling. What is the cut off age for IVF in your area? It seems to vary quite a bit.
Hi hun
Well, it was a very positive appointment all in all, don't let the little glitch at the end get you down. At least it's something that can be worked around, hubby will just have to do the business somewhere new ;-)
Hey tract0rgirl, I am somewhat familiar with the delights of the Cambridge road/traffic system... :trouble:

Doctor's appointment sounds very promising though... as she says, maybe things will start happening more naturally now you've got the ball rolling and know where you stand... :clover:

Good luck with all your tests!!! xx
Sounds like your doctor is very positive Tractorgirl!!

I'm over the age for NHS funded IVF too, although we have said that we MAY look into the costs if nothing has happened in 6 months or so.........but realistically it would only ever be the once.
Hi, Cazza - privately-funded IVF is pretty much out of the question for us. We thought we'd see if there was anything wrong with either of us that can be corrected. If it can - great, we'll continue to ttc for a little while longer and see what happens. If it proves to be the case we definitely cannot have children, then so be it. We've tried. It'll be heartbreaking but at least we've had a go. I'd really regret it if we hadn't tried. I just wish I'd met my husband 10 years earlier and I'd started this process in my early 30s. Unfortunately, we weren't together then so we're late starters. Never mind, onwards and upwards xx
Hiya, I somehow missed this thread until now, I'm really pleased that you have got the ball rolling with the doctors, have you thought about a motorbike courier? ;) I have a good feeling that things are gonna happen for you xx
Aww don't give up Hun, I'm sure you'll be fine, if worst comes to the worst you can get IVF for about £500 if you donate some eggs.

Thats really interesting Maybe! would the eggs be used as donor eggs or for scientific study?

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