Been to the docs today :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Hi everyone :wave:

I did a digital test today and it came up positive yay!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I knew anyway but wanted to see it with my own eyes (dis-believing old biddy,im nearly 40!!! :oops: )

The doctor was really lovely and went through all my history with other pregnancies and stuff, then filled in forms, now all i have to do is wait to hear from the hospital about my booking in appointment.

I still cant believe im here, i wasnt expecting it and im absolutely over the moon just a tad scared that everything will be ok, only another 7 weeks to scan, gonna be a long one lol.

So looks like im here after all, :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: hope all you lovely ladies are ok and enjoying your pregnancies, i look forward to chatting with you all, old and new faces :hug: :hug:

take care lotsa love kaye and tribe xx
Yay :cheer: Congratulations hun. There are so many of us 2nd/3rd etc timers :hug:
Tina & Gabs said:
There are so many of us 2nd/3rd etc timers

This will be my 4th :shock: god!!! im so pleased but cacking it :rotfl: :rotfl:
aww pleased for you.congratulations.l've just turned 39 and expecting my third,with a big age gap lol...others are 6(nearly 7) and 10.

:dance: :clap: :dance: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
dippy_me said:
aww pleased for you.congratulations.l've just turned 39 and expecting my third,with a big age gap lol...others are 6(nearly 7) and 10.

Hi there :wave: , I was 39 in april will be nearly 40 when baby is born, I have a nearly 16 :shock: ,14 1/2, little tia whos nearly 20 months and this one. Dont talk to me about age gaps lol :rotfl: :rotfl: xx
hi, :wave:
lol you'll have alot of help then l'd imagine.l'm hoping to chat my nieces up to baby sit when l'm 40 lol,they'll then be 17 and 15.the baby will be 6 months old when l turn 40.

good luck

debi xx :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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