Been to a party tonight...


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
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Was OH's mums birthday and she had a party. Because I'm pregnant I never get to dress up and go anywhere nice nowadays, so I took the opportunity to wear a nice top, fake eyelashes and some six inch heels. First time I attempted to wear big heels since I got pregnant, but I've started feeling so frumpy and unattractive that I just wanted to feel more dolled up! Plus I knew I'd be sat down for most of the night so after my OH fussing that they were too high, I got my own way and wore them anyway!

However, I didn't realise how annoyed I'd get at the extra attention I got! People seemed to constantly ask me if I was OK, and some random woman kept asking me if I got heartburn, backache etc and I just felt like I was been treated like a pregnant person and not a human being aswell! I got into a big rant with OH about it cos nobody asked anything normal, It was all about the pregnancy and how big I am blah blah blah and it annoyed me, like people only saw the pregnancy and not that I'm a human being too!

Anyone else understand what I'm saying? Or am I just a silly hormonal lady? :(

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Totally get one your saying, for the whole pregnancy you lose your identity and end up fighting for someone to notice you :(

I suppose in some respects we have to be pleases people notice our bumps and are interested but a random woman asking about your symptoms is one step to far!!! You should have asked her for her medical history lol x x
I'm the same. I always thought id enjoy people asking about the baby but, you're right, it feels like you're not you, you're just 'the pregnant one'. All I get all day at work is ' oo bump looks big' and 'is it kicking?'.

I too was at my mother in laws birthday party and I was questioned about symptoms etc.

It doesn't irritate me to such an extent, but who know, i've only been pregnant for 19 weeks, maybe this is the start of things to come!

It is very anoying people always start a conversation with how's the baby I've started to reply with either IM fine thank you or im not sure why don't you ask her because she doesn't speak to me! They generally ask how I am before baby talk next time I see them xxx
Glad to hear I'm not the only one! Phew!

I haven't really been to an event where it's been for OH's family, so it was a chance to meet everyone, but I ended up getting so moody about it all! This random lady kept constantly asking questions about my pregnancy and baby, she didn't ask me one thing about ME! It was all "Do you get backache?" "Do you get heartburn?" "When's the baby due?" :wall2:

And because I wore big heels to try and make myself feel a bit more dressed up rather then frumpy like I feel 24/7, when I was stood at the buffet, I stepped back and stood on a plastic fork on the floor, and kinda lost my balance a bit. Everyone around the buffet panicked and a woman I'd never seen in my life was like "OMG are you ok!? You be careful!!!!"
I sat down with my food and OH knew something was wrong. I really felt out of place, and regretted wearing the god damn shoes cos everyone probably thought 'Who's she fooling wearing them?'. I know they aren't sensible footwear for late pregnancy, but I've spent the last 33 weeks wearing flats, so I fancied a change, to cheer myself up and feel somewhat attractive and pregnant at the same time, if possible!

Then OH went on karaoke, and this slim pretty girl in tight jeans asked him to sing with her. I got so jealous about it whereas it usually wouldn't bother me :eh: I felt so fat and boring.

Rant is officially over now (I think!) :x
Aww Hun, im awful ATM im not the jelous type but ATM i can't be doing with OH seeing female friends drives me mad i have to tell myself to stop being silly lol. I wore heels over Xmas and people kept telling me to be careful i was soo pissed off that no one was intrested in the fact id made an effort to look nice except OH. Ok maybe heels that big are nit the most sensible but when exactly are the sensible or practical they never are. Hugs xx
Oh that's another thing, people tellin me what I should and shouldn't be wearing. I have always worn high heels to work, around 4 inches or so, and I will continue until I find it too uncomfortable.

I have also always worn waist belts, and am still wearing belts, above the bump as I still want to feel like a have a womanly shape, yet I get people saying, should you be wearing that belt? It really pisses me off, I'll wear what I bloody well like and just because I have a bump doesn't mean I can't look nice!

Phew, glad I got that off my chest! x

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