Been in to be monitered today, think things are begining to!

Kelly G

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2005
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HI eveyone,

Well for a couple of days i thought i had been loosing water, today it seemed a lot worse so i called the midwife and they asked me to go in!

Got to hosp at 6pm they did an internal to check my cervix, they said i was definatly wet but wasnt sure if it was my waters as they couldnt see my cervix very well :shock:

Anyway after 2 hours monitoring they sent me home asking me to go for a scan tomoro to cheak the fluid around baby! While i was there started havin slight pains which where picked up on the monitor but she said they could be practice contractions!

We got home at 9.30 pains where getting stronger all way home, got in went to loo had a slight bloody kind of show when wiped! This maybe due to the internal so not getting my hopes up!

Having pains every 5 mins still quite painful but not 100% sure so im sat here waiting, while DF is in bed bless him!

They have said that if my waters have gone they may start me off if not they might give me a sweep, but im hoping it doesnt come to that im kind of hoping this is the start!

Anyway ill stop babbling now, off to catch up on some posts!
Aww you must be excited! Doesnt sound like it'll be long at all now til you'll have your new baby in your arms!

Hope it all goes well and to plan :eek:)

Tnx hun keeping my fingers crossed that this is it!
Kelly hun,

I hope you are OK!!! :pray: :pray: :pray:

Kelly has just been in the chat room, the contractions were coming about every 3 mins and she was starting to feel a bit she has gone to phone her Mum and the hospital!

I hope everything goes really well for you babe, I will be thinking of you, and I can't wait to see a piccy of your little baby girl!!!

If you use the pool, let me know what it's like babe?! :wink:

Ohhhh not long now babe, how exciting!!!!!!!! :dance:

Good Luck hun & take care xx :hug:
Oooo, that sounds promising Kelly. Thanks for keeping us updated Fran.

Good luck Kelly, you never know, you may have your LO by now!! :lol:
ohhh that sounbds good hun
good luck
brooke wont be asking how many more sleeps for much longer
keep us posted
ooh definatly sounds like she will be making an appearance soon hun!

best of luck :pray:

:hug: xxxxx
oh kelly i am soooooo jealous!! Good luck sweety!! get that sister out for brooke!!! xxxx
good luck kelly, can't wait to hear your news!!! :cheer: :dance:
hi this is kels df just thought i'd put a post on from the hospital(hav'nt abandond her!) she's havin pains every five or so mins but not in established labour apparantly but they hav'nt exained her fora good eight hours! :shock:
Awww bless her! Thanks for updating us, and give Kelly a big hug from us all.

keep the updates coming Kellys DH!! hehe... we crave the baby news!! haha xxx
8 hours!!


Good luck, hope things speed up soon foryou both :pray:
Just read this thread, hope all is well and you are cuddling your LO?
Bless you for update!!

good luck - can't wait to hear your birth story and see your pic's... hope you have an easy birth...

thinking about you tonight


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