Been in hospital

Karate Kid

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2011
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After two days of feeling really dizzy and wobbly hubby made an executive decision.... He made me ring the day unit!! The lovely midwife told me to come in and get monitored.

Hubby took me in, I got my BP taken, urine, bloods to check for OC and haemoglobin levels. All were fine and I was put on a machine to trace LOs heart rate.

The midwife was a little concerned about my haemoglobin levels and got the consultant to check me over.... She wasn't very pleasant and told me that my BP was high, strange because this has never been mentioned before?!

Came home, had a nap and I am feeling a little better but still dizzy and a little run down, hope it subsides soon because I cannot cope with another 8-1 0 weeks off this!!

Just so glad that LO is OK and that the MWs were all so lovely! Xx

Glad all is ok, I'm sure if they were worried about anything else they would have done more checks. Are they going to monitor ur BP and iron levels?

Hope u feel better soon xx
Hope you're feeling better soon!

I'm off work this week with dizziness and nausea - triggered by seasickness of all things!!
Oh how rubbish, hope you feel better soon! At least you know you have nice midwives when the time comes x :)

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Hope you're feeling better soon. Are they going to keep checking your BP now?
Oh bless you hunni! I think your hubby was right to take you down there.

How are you feeling now? Xx

Aw so sorry uv not been feeling well! And sorry the mw wasn't very nice! But glad ur hubby made u ring up, its always better to get checked out!

Try and rest as much as possible, and maybe even keep snacks at ur desk while ur at work to nibble on throughout the day to keep ur energy up (if u don't already)

Hope u start to feel better soon hun *hugs* xx

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Glad all was ok with LO :) best to get checked. Hope you're feeling better soon hun :hugs: x x
Thanks ladies! They are going to be keeping an eye on my BP and my iron levels so I am sure I will be fine xx

Glad all is ok! Can completely sympathise I was at triage yesterday with headaches/dizziness. My BP is slightly high but otherwise they found no cause!

Always best to get checked though! x
Glad everything is ok,must have been worrying for you.
Make sure you get plenty rest and look after yourself. Xx
Aw. Hope you are OK, hun. It's much better to be checked out if you've not been feeling great. My Hb levels went down around those weeks - this is when you have the most fluid in your body and therefore the lowest Hb levels. At my next blood test at 34 weeks they'd gone back up again to just above the limit that they like to see. Phew.

Take good care of yourself and hope you feel better soon xxx

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