Been for a Delivery Suite tour today..


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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It was great! I was putting off going, I thought there would be loads of women screaming and writhing around in pain. But nope, no drama to be seen at all, it was all reassuringly peaceful and calm.
The best thing is that everyone has a private room (even if you're being induced or recovering after delivery!) There is no shared ward at all, it was more like a hotel than a hospital.
I am v.impressed! :cheer: :cheer:
wow, sounds good

i wouldnt be so against the idea of hospital if i knew id get my own room
Do some hospitals make you stay on a ward in labour :shock: I hadn't realised that!
We have a ward for after baby is born - but you're in your own room for at least 6 hours after my midwife said. And as long as everything has been fine we can go straight home from the room :D
:cheer: :cheer:

Do some hospitals make you stay on a ward in labour

i was in agony on the ward!! lol another woman came onto the ward too, and she was also in agony but they wouldnt move her to delivery suite until she dilated!
My friend gave birth in the hospital in the next town from us. She had to go through the initial start of labour on a ward. She said it was off putting because other people's 4 year old children were running around and staring at her.

I am relieved at the private room thing, I can snore with confidence :rotfl:
I'm praying that my blood pressure keeps going down so that I can go to the midwife led unit close to my home rather than the big all-singing-all-dancing BUSY hospital. There are lots of individual rooms at the hospital but also lots of women giving birth there each day so the chances are you will be left to labour on the labour ward rather than in a private room. At the midwife unit there are just 2 delivery rooms- one en-suite, the other opposite the birthing pool room and a busy day there means they have someone in to give birth! The 'wards' for after are 4 bed rooms but they aren't often full! :pray: please let me go there!
i was on the ward till i was 8cm gone as they didnt believe me that i was in so much pain and thought i was in early labour as 2 n half hours b4 i was only 3cm gone!
My hospital has an excellent central delivery suite as well...
You are in a private room from the moment you go in until a while after you have had your baby and then moved to a maternity ward afterwards.

:cheer: :cheer:

It does make the thought of going in sooo much easier. They really should all be like this though :roll:
I have my tour tonight - if the ward is quiet :lol:
The delivery suites in our hospital are really nice but have a bathroom between 2 rooms so if you go in there you have to lock the other persons door and unlock it when you finish. The first lady next door to me was well into her labour when I arrived and if she was in the bathroom we could hear was so scary she was screaming and swearing soo loud!
tattybear85 said:
i was on the ward till i was 8cm gone as they didnt believe me that i was in so much pain and thought i was in early labour as 2 n half hours b4 i was only 3cm gone!
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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