Ive felt so down today. This sound's really awful but im so fed up of ryan!! The last couple of weeks he just cries the second ure out of sight, i cant even sit on the sofa if hes on the floor playing because im not close enough to him, if i give him a cuddle he grabs chunks of ure face, smacks you and pulls ure hair. I can't even get a drink without him screaming, He's started crying while im in the shower even tho he's sitting in his bouncer in the bathroom with me. arrrrrrrrrggghhh ive just been crying all evening, its so hard doing 10 hour days at work with him to cos i have 3 childen to look after but ryan keeps wanting my attention. I feel like i need a break for a few hours but i dont trust anyone to look after him because last time my mum had him for half an hour (first half an hour to myself in 2 months, i know that doesnt sound like long but when ure a single mum and uve had one night off and half an hour free time in nearly 8 months its not much lol) while i got my hair cut he cried constantly and mum just left him to cry!!
Im just really fed up of it all. Hes been waking for milk in the night also so im shattered!!!!!!!!!!
Im just really fed up of it all. Hes been waking for milk in the night also so im shattered!!!!!!!!!!