Bedtime for two month old


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
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Please help, what time should I be putting Chloe to bed in an evening. OH seems to think she should be going up at 7.00 where I have been letting her sleep downstairs and taking her up when we go to bed. She gets plenty sleep during the day in a moses basket in the living room.
There can't really be a set time for a 2 month old. Angel just fell into a time. She started needing to bed in bed at 10pm, then worked it down to 9, now half 8. She started this around 12 weeks.
They get into their own really, and i started with what you're doing, taking her to bed when we went.
I'm sorry this may sound stupid but how did you know she needed to go to bed?
We had constant screaming around 10pm but with eye rubbing and a red face. If i took her up to bed and laid her in her moses basket she'd settle herself. I started taking her up a little before 10pm, as this was around the time she'd start, make sure the room was dark, and she'd settle herself. In the end her crying and eye rubbing got earlier so i was taking her up earlier. In the evenings when she's with me i used to sit in the living room with the lights out. I found this helped.
Thanks, another quick one if you don't mind, do you always make sure she has a feed before you put her down. She feeds at 6.00 then at 10.00 so I thought I would have to put her to bed at one of these times. Or would you put her to bed without a feed and top her up when I go up. She sleeps so much through the day that she shouldn't get tired. She sleeps more than she is awake during the day time.
Around 6-8 weeks we always made sure Becky was in our room (curtains closed and quiet) from around 8pm. Slowly over the weeks this turned into 7pm (we hardly played any part in this though, she did it herself). She still woke regularly for feeds and in the early days could be quite awake at night but now she's pretty much sleeping through. She rarely sleeps during the day but she's just a wakeful baby in general! Until about 12 weeks we also gave her a sleepy feed at about 10-11pm.

Whether or not she'd have done this without us differentiating day and night I don't know, but it really seems to have helped us.
We used to keep Galen downstairs with us at that age and then take him in his basket upstairs when we went to bed. He'd usually go to sleep around 8pm but remain downstairs. We only started putting him in his cot around 12 weeks old and then when we found a regular time he was starting to get tired and wanting to sleep.

I'd go with the flow tbh. Do what makes you feel comfortable. If she is sleeping well in the evening then why not pop her down upstairs at 7pm ish.
Thomas has always been put to bed at 7pm weather he wanted to or not thats his bedtime now he likes to go to bed around 6:30 though
kellyandbump said:
Thanks, another quick one if you don't mind, do you always make sure she has a feed before you put her down. She feeds at 6.00 then at 10.00 so I thought I would have to put her to bed at one of these times. Or would you put her to bed without a feed and top her up when I go up. She sleeps so much through the day that she shouldn't get tired. She sleeps more than she is awake during the day time.

I breastfeed so i try and top her up before i put her down. She doesn't always want it but i try. Makes her go longer.
If you want to try feeding her before putting her down then go for it. You'll soon work out if it's necessary or not.
Logan gets taken up at 8, sometimes already asleep sometimes not (but then falls asleep within 5 minutes), he has a dream feed at 10 -10:30 and sleeps until after 6 am (sometimes almost 7!).

forgot to add he hardly sleep throughout the day, jsut not his thing.
Sandi thats sounds fantastic, how long have you been doing this for? Chloe was up three times last night I would love a full nights sleep.
Logan started doing 7 hours at 6 weeks, but he was doing 8pm until 3 (and then 4:30 and 6:30), so we wiated until his vaccinations had thrown his routine and started again. ha ha

Anyway for about the last two weeks we have been doing the 8 pm bed , 10 pm dream feed and 6 am wake up.

I think having him in his own room helped cos he sometimes whinges but then settles again. he is also gaining wieght well (according to What to expect in the first year they are physiologically ready to do 7 hours when they reach 11 lb). We also do a bath at 7 (the one thing his father actually does for him) and now that he enjoys that it helps settle him. That is also our cue to change outfits from what he wore during that day. stuffing him full of milk between 6 and 8 helped too

if you have what to expect in the first year, page 254 guives some tips which we followed.

we are still 100% breast fed, i express in the mornign whihc we give after the bath, but we found the dream feed more successful if it was boobie.

That is one of the books I bought I shall go and have a read. We are bottle feeding now so may try giving her more milk tonight only trouble is she struggles to take more than three ounces in one go. At last weigh in she was twelve pound so should be eating more than her three ounces every four hours.
We've been very lucky with Aimee, we got her into a bedtime routine about 5 weeks old. She has a bath about 7/8pm, feed & cuddle time then into bed for 10pm at the latest and she'll sleep right through to 6am.

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