She might not be a lazy feeder. The evening/bedtime feed is often a big one as baby fills up and this can take a while. Also making sure they get the full rich hind milk at the end of the feed. She is old enough to be doing this now so I'd let her feed from you at bedtime, not give an expressed feed.
There is no set amount as each baby is different. You need to stop thinking of breastmilk as being like formula and that a baby has to have a set amount each time. BF'ing doesn't work like that. Its supply and demand feeding. Your baby will let you know when she is hungry and will feed. When she is done she may comfort suck but you should start to recognise this. If she is still hungry and has emptied one boob fully then put her on the other boob and let her feed till she is full. Other times she'll have a growth spurt and want/need to feed more often. Sometimes she may not want quite as much.
It may be she is taking ages to feed as she is trying to get milk from a near empty boob and its a very slow trickle coming out. Giving her a fresh full boob means then she'll be able to finish filling up and should settle.
Often expressing does not get anywhere near as much milk as your LO will and its not a good indication of baby feeding. Your LO feeding from you will increase your milk to the level she needs it to be at for her. She is your guide, not us. If you express and then feed her that at bedtime, you will need to express again to make sure the demand is kept up on your milk otherwise it will start to drop if the demand is not there. Then you run the risk of not making enough milk for your baby.