bedside cot


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2007
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anyone got one?? are they worth it?

connor's in his travel cot at the moment, having grown too wiggly for his crib - not that he stays in his own bed for long anyway - but i'm determined to eventually get my side of the bed back and reckon a bedside cot could be the way forward

anyone got an opinion? it would probably have to be his bed for a year or so - are they big enough?


I've got a normal sized cot I move over nearer bedside at night once I go to bed. During the day it gets moved back over against the wall. Works fine for us. I keep it about a foot from the bed so I can get in and out and LO is quite happy in there.
We were going to get one but decided against it. Our reasons were:

It would be hard to get out of bed - I'd have to wriggle to the end before I could get out.

It might be easy to accidentally cover LO in our covers.

I find it much harder to pick her up if she is lying beside me - I prefer to stand or sit with my legs dangling (like on a chair or sitting on the edge of the bed)

I wouldn't be able to have a bedside table - no lamp, water, moistuiser, lipsalve, phone.... in easy reach. If I did have a bedside table it would be even harder to get out of bed.

They are the size of normal cots so you would get more than a year out of it. Boots online often have them reduced. They are just not for us.
cheers guys :)

we've already got a cotbed but its just too big for our bedroom - saving that one for when we move house and connor has his own room.

the reason i was looking at the bedside cot is so that feeding is still easy - i don't wanna get out of bed :lol: i've got a shelf for my lamp & water etc and connor's bed will fit underneath it :)

i'll go check out boots online - i always forget about them - thank you!

:hug: :hug:
I didn't even know they existed! Just looked them up on ebay. They'd actually make my life easier.
well, i've just ordered the cosatto close to you cot... fingers crossed that connor likes it and doesn't feel the need to sleep starfish across my side of the be any more :roll: :lol: :lol:

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