Bed time help


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
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Hi ladies,

Ryan was sleeping from around 12-4 then 5.30 to 8 ish but bed times have been getting later and later and don't know what to do. Last night he went to sleep at 4.30:-(
He's 7 weeks old, what do you do?
That's quite a long sleep during the day time, maybe he has night and day time confused? A goes to proper sleep around 11, wakes up at 2:30, then 6:30 for a feed. Have you tries not. Letting him sleep during the day for so long?
I meant 12 midnight till 4 am then 5 in the morning, I tried to keep him awake yesterday evening but it didn't seem
To do much good. It's madness, he was doing so well then he just changed everything out of nowhere.
I've had my dad staying and he's been spoiling him quite a bit, I wonder if this is affecting him. Another lady suggested teething which may be right too though I can't see anything yet. I was just curious to know what everyone else's bedtime routine was.
We don't have a bed time routine yet as Kynon wants to feed so much he only goes about 2 hours day and night sometimes less at night, think he also has day and night muddled up but not sure how to change it! Funny I can't keep him awake if I want to and he won't sleep when I want him to, last night he was wide awake loads!
We started Elexia's bedtime routine last night as OH goes back to work on Monday :(
She either has a top and tail wash or a bath, a bottle then we put her to bed. Maybe try a routine hunny.
Adam was a bit of a nightmare when he got his day and night mixed up so we made sure that his bath bottle was given to him with minimal light so he knew it was bedtime.
How did you get on last night? x x
I was going to suggest starting a routine such as having him do an activity that will tire him out, then a bath, bottle and bed.
From 6pm our LO goes in his door bouncer for an hour or so, then has a story, then he has a bath, bottle and is normally asleep by 7.45pm. He will wake up anywhere between 1 and 5am for a bottle but is normally back to sleep til about 7ish.
I also try not to let LO sleep for too long during the day. He really only catnaps anyway, but when he's awake I keep him really active which helps knacker him out!
Good luch and I hope you start to get more sleep soon. xx
Its all about routine. I started a routine from week 1! Every night I got little one ready for bed at same time, gave last bottle before bed and night feeds with very little interaction from me to avoid stimulating her. At the very start I rocked her a little bit but stopped this after a couple of weeks. Make sure the room is dark and talk to LO quietly when bedtime is close. You will find what works for you but for now you need to do things to help LO realise the difference between night and day....
I think maybe he is getting too many cuddles and is not being worn out enough and also the routine we had went off kilter with my dad's visit. I've let him play on his mat a lot this afternoon, will repOrt back tomorrow...fingers crossed.
Ps when can you put them in a bouncer and do you have any recommendations?
There is nothing as soul destroying as putting a baby down and crawling into bed only to be woken by him just as you are drifting off night after night.
Back to the drawing board tomorrow night then, I'm going to be really strict and keep to the routine to the letter.
I know its terrible but I can't help wondering if it's just me.
Its not just you, I am waiting for him to settledown with the reflux and then we will start a routine
It's like there is no light at the end of the tunnel and, like you, my Mum and Dad Are so far away and i have no one to' help me. Ryan is now laying on my lap with his eyes open and I haven't a clue where to go from here. I just have to sit and wait for him to fall asleep and it's 1am already.
They can go in a bouncer once they can hold their heads up. If he's not doing that there are plenty of other things you can do to tire him out. Before he went in his bouncer we used to lie him on his changing mat, naked and let him just kick around for 30 minutes or so. We would move his legs around like he was on a bycycle too!
Another idea is to give him a massage after his bath. I do this with LO every night. The lady who ran the baby massage class said a 20 minute massage is like a gym workout for a baby. If there are no classes where you are I'm sure you can find a book or information on the internet on what strokes to use. xx
Actually we are starting baby massage next Friday! I'm really excited, I give him a little massage after his bath but he never really likes it. Thanks for the suggestions everyone x
So, put him on his play mat for an hour, gave him a bath, gave him a quick massage and fed him and he's still awake and grizzling (despite dozing off but waking up when i put him in his cot). It's driving me up the wall, I can't sit here till 2 am every night crying coz he won't sleep, it's so unfair. He was going to bed by midnight every night and now it's just getting worse.

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