bed on her own


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2011
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ive just put Alyssa down in her cot without me going to bed with her. im gonna have to buy a baby monitor now lol. will go to argos tomorrow.
shes been dropping off to sleep at half 8 - 9pm by her own choice and not waking up by the time i go to bed at 11pm. i feel bad disturbing her but i had to pick her up to take her to bed and it always disturbed her. id have to dream feed her to stop her waking up completely and then she would either wake at later cos she hadnt had much of a feed or sleep thru til 7am ish. i dont mind when she wakes in the night as long as she wakes naturally rather than me waking her up.

im paranoid now that i wont hear her if she cries and im straining to hear the slightest noise lol, ive been up to check on her and took a bit of blanket off so shes not too hot as i had 1 large folded blanket on her so ive just unfolded it
Expensive as it is, my angelcare monitor would come on my best buy list every time. From 5 weeks we have followed a bath bottle bed routine so E goes down around nine in our room and we follow at 10.30/11ish. I have no problems doing this as I really rate the monitor and can hear everything - even when she trumps in her sleeping bag!!
Expensive as it is, my angelcare monitor would come on my best buy list every time. From 5 weeks we have followed a bath bottle bed routine so E goes down around nine in our room and we follow at 10.30/11ish. I have no problems doing this as I really rate the monitor and can hear everything - even when she trumps in her sleeping bag!!

Agreed! The sensor mat can be a little temperamental sometimes but I would def recommend. X
i cant afford that one lol, looking at a bt 200 from comet
I have the tomy digital one which was 59 from Argos and love it. It has a night light which is just right for checking on E in the night and is really sensitive.

It picks up OH snoring in our room so I get it from him next to me & the monitor the other side!!

Lots of angelcare ones on ebay and preloved?? I was going to get ours from there but then my grandma decided it was what she wanted to buy the baby. x
cant afford more than 35 quid really and oh is moaned about that lol

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