Don’t worry about not starting temping on CD1! CD9 is fine because you’re never going to ovulate before that!
I reckon you’ve ovulated yesterday but FF won’t confirm it until you’ve had two more temp rises in a row.
as for the dip don’t get caught up on that. Dips don’t mean very much before ovulation. A one day dip at least 6 days after ovulation could mean implantation but again don’t get caught up on that because it can just give you false hope as it’s not always accurate.
the only time a dip really means something for sure is 2 days before your AF is due if it dips down and stays down you know AF is on its way.
also, you have empty triangles on your chart which means you’re temping at different times of day. It needs to be at the same time each morning to be as accurate as possible.
I’m taking a month off of temping but when I do I set an alarm for 7.30am and take my temp at that time every day, even on weekends.
Hope that’s all helpful! wishing you lots of luck xxx