I have officially begun Clomid.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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This is my 2 days taking Clomid and I really don't have any symptoms yet. I think that I may be a little for tired, but nothing other than that. I am really looking forward to a BFP at the end of this cycle. I am using BBT chart and I am a little afraid that it's too "jumpy" is it normal for your temp to fluctuate at the beginning of your cycle? Thanks for all your advice. :D
hi cristie i dont really know much about clomid but lots of luck to you and i hope you are successful ttc this month :D
I just wanted to say good luck and i hope this is your month :D

BABY DUST!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a friend at work who was TTC for 18 months, and then started on Clomid, and only a few weeks later a BFP! She's now 26 weeks!!

Good Luck!
Thanks Tankett!!

Thank you all for your encouragment. So far I am just MELTING b/c of Hot Flashes! Everything else is as normal. I am waiting to see the dip in my Temps. Hope I ovulate!!! :) :)
:D Things are going pretty well! I haven't had many side effects, only hot flashes and fatigue. I am BBTemping and waiting to see if I O. I think I did this weekend! I can't be sure just yet. I have a dr. appt on Sept 15 and he'll look at my chart with me. I am pretty sure that I did! Hope it's not TMI but Hubby and I have BD every night since last Tuesday, we should have hit any egg available. I'll let you know as soon as I get my BFP!!
Aww that's excellent about O! Good luck sweetie - thinking of you xx

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