Battle with midwives!


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2007
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From being about six weeks pregnant I've wanted a home birth and have mentioned this to every person involved in my antenatal care. So far everybody has been, not exactly dismissive but lets say they haven't encouraged it.

Nobody has been forthcoming with any discussion about it so I asked midwife at the GP's today who I haven't seen before. Like the others she was pretty discouraging but agreed to see me in three weeks for further discussion. She said because i live in Tameside she's have to register me there (rather than with Manchester team that have been seeing me) and they might be reluctant to take me on since they don't know me...

Since I'm moving house any time now anyway, it seems likely the Tameside midwives will be delivering baby whatever happens! Even if it was the Mcr MW's seeing me, I've seen so many different onces its pretty unlikely any of them are going to know me from Adam even If I do happen to get one that I've met before.

Sorry for the longer than expected rant but am so annoyed, I refuse to give in on this one unless there is something wrong. I just needed to get all that off my chest and let you know I'm so annoyed, I've joined the rest of the ladies that have started eating chocolate before noon :rotfl:
sorry you're having such a bad time. its so weird how different health authorities can be... mine really encourages low risk ladies to have home births (its cheaper for them i think! :lol:) i don't know why some HA's have to make it so hard?!
Have a few of these :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm opting for a homebirth and am lucky that my MW only deals with them and that if I go to hospital, she does not attend as that's not her department so to speak.

They cannot refuse you a homebirth, so stick to your guns on it. Hopefully you'll find someone a bit more supportive soon.

I'm guessing you've already checked out the Homebirth UK site It has lots of helpful info and links.

I'd give your MW/GP a kick up the arse tbh. You can be registered at a hospital of your choice to give birth (as a back up and so they have your records/history etc) but still give birth at home. That is what my MW has done for me. She said she would leave me on the hospitals database incase I needed to transfer, it would make things a lot easier. She is also sending me for a 34 week scan to check all is well in the lead up to birth at home. If there are problems we can then assess and see what our options are.

I think leaving it to 35 weeks is them being hopeful you'll give up and opt for hospital.

I'd consider writing a letter of complaint also if someone doesn't get their arse into gear soon. You have a right to give birth at home and they should be supporting you and getting things organised, not trying to fob you off :evil:

Good luck :)
Ok here's what you've got to do.......STICK TO YOUR GUNS..............

They cannot force you to go to hospital. it has nothing to do with midwives not knowing you , as you will have whoever is on call and not someone you know or knows you.


So the LAW of this land says you can birth at home but you must have two birth attendants if your at home and they have refused you a H.B, when you go into labour all you have to do whether booked for H.B or not is ring the hospital and let them know your in labour and staying put. If they don't send someone then you can sue them......If they do send a DRAGON MATRON of a midwife the law also states that you can request another midwife as the one they sent you is making you feel uncomfortable........

If you have had a low risk pregnancy and you are really confident in your decision then get armed with all the info you can....go in there and TELL them your having a H.B instead of asking. I don't know why some health authorities are still so far some research statically H.B is safer than hospital ones...look at the Netherlands H.B is the is only for those at risk......

be warned they will try every trick in the book to put you off if thats their policy...just stay confident...ask about if there is a doc in your area who is into H.B. I changed surgeries at 36wks once to book in under a g.p who was really into H.B......he was fantastic......They don't book you for H.B til you are 36-37 wks....So good luck......

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

P.S i've had four babies three at home and one due any minute (at home of course) :wink:
Ooooh, Natural Mamma is good! Do what she says :D
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks for all the comments ladies. The silly thing is if they are tyring to discourage me they're really going the wrong way about it because I get so annoyed and am more likely to stick my heels in when they pull this kind of crap!

Until I specifically asked today, nobody has told me they don't book you in until 36-37 weeks so I feel better knowing now that they've not 'missed me'. The midwife also finally made a note in the book saying I've requested a homebirth which has made me feel better that its documented somewhere!

Having said all this though, I measured above the top of the range line today and she said baby was also in an oblique position :roll:

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