Bathtime Nightmare


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Feb 7, 2006
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Bathtimes are just getting more and more traumatic, Leorah hates the baby bath and now is too big for the sink! She gets so upset and I have been giving in and just washing her. She's hated it since birth and just seems petrified. We don't have a bathtub as they don't really have them in danish houses but are going to have one in our bathroom as I am just praying she will be ok if she gets in with me. Its fine to wash her at the mo' but when she starts weaning (and I am following baby led weaning so lots of mess!) and crawling around she'll need a bath!

My DH is also going to take her swinmming so she can get used to the water, we're going to get her a full body costume as i am sure its because she feels slippery and insecure even though she has a lie back seat for the bath.

The strange thing is my DH's mum went to a clairvoyant before Leorah was born and was told she'd be the reincarnated spirit of her Mum who also hated water and said she felt like her skin couldn't breath, it was a full on phobia!

Has anyone elses baby hated the bath? I always thought babies loved baths! Any tips will be greatly appreciated :)
sorry to here that hun

im really sorry i dont have any advice hun my 2 love the bath, i would of said try putting her in a big bath, but i u dont have one then i dont know hun, hope Leorah settles down soon for you hun :hug:
alice hated baths, so i started having her in the bath with me. i brought a support thingy, and slowly started to put her in that for longer periods of time as she hated it to start with.

she isquite happy in them now. i no longer climb in with her (although sometimes i do if we are in a rush).

have you tried having her in a shower with you? i have a friend who just jumps in the shower with hers every morning. she says she loves the water falling on her?! :think:
Are you using one of those bath thermometers?
We used one at the beginning and Gabriella hated bathtime, we found out that the water was too cold and just test it ourselves now and she loves it.

Also (I am sure you do) but remember to maintain eye contact with her when she is being bathed (It's a trust thing) and do you put her in feet first, it can be scary if they are put in straight on their backs as they feel like they are falling.

Good luck hun and I hope Leorah starts enjoying her bathtime soon. Swimming should definitely help :hug:
Hi Skatty,

Jacob absolutely hated to be bathed as well. We got a great tip from our HV which completely sorted him out and now he sits there happily. Firstly, like TinaOct said, we got rid of the bath thermometer and tested the water ourselves. Then we got a flannel, soaked it in the water and draped it over him like a blanket. It sat under his armpits and went down to his feet. He feels warm, and so secure now that he doesn't scream the place down. Worth trying!

Lyns x
hmmm, I can only but suggest a few things as Otis loves his baths. I agree with you and would start off by getting in the bath with her and just have her on your lap, also have some bath toys, since Otis was very young I've have these foam stick on things on the sides of the bath and he some times gets so obsessed by them - it's quite funny!!!
We also have the plastic seat for Otis - I initially bought it for my nephew and now it's come back to me, I think they're fab!!!
I generally make sure the bath water is also on the warm side - the I would like it, can't stand having luke water baths!!!
But I'd definately try and use things to distract Leorah while in the bath and therefore making it more fun.
Maybe also the swimming will help? As they then gave used to having water trickle over their head, etc.
Jamie hated his baby bath katt, we bought him one of those little chairs for him to sit in the big bath with me and now he loves it!!
he does hate gettin out when its cold tho bless him!
have u tried bein in the bath with her and u holdin her?
i thought it was natrual for newborns to hate baths at first jay did he didnt know what to think now he loves them...maybe ur right bout the phobia been passed down hun i can only echo try the things the others have said?
oh skatty hun
maybe a sink bowl would be better more secure and maybe a flannel over her tummy to as it helps feel secure, for weeks we had problems but when we used the wash up bowl he was loving it, maybe singing a funny song and generally trying to make more noise than she does (all things i tried to stop me going crazy)
Bless your little diva certainly lets you know what she likes and doesnt like, I have a feeling Leorah is boss in your house same as Alfie is in ours :rotfl:
Thank you for all your tips, we have tried most of them! I do like the idea of the big flannel and will definitely try it out :wink: I do make it warmer than the thermometer says because otherwise it was just too cold. the strange thing is she really doesn't mond her hair being washed.

Yes Alfie'mummy leorah definitely runs our house :lol:

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