BAH.. Glucose Test tomorrow???


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Bah.. I have my glucose test tomorrow... and I can't sleep yet have to get up at STUPID hour in the morning to go there.... AND I DON?T HAVE DIABETES!!!!

It's routine.. :roll: :roll: :roll: Anyway.. I've messed it up cos I just ate a chocolate because I forgot I had it :roll:
Well that was about as much fun as a hole in the head.. I can't imagine that staying cuddled up in bed with my hubby would have been any more enjoyable... :roll: Silly woman hit the vein wrong, and blood ended up going everywhere and they couldn't stop it bleeding after she had taken the blood... :roll: Its only just stopped now and it's been like an hour since I had it taken. And it's now a huge painful blue lump under my arm..

It was quite funny seeing lots of nurses running round telling me sit down as I must feel dizzy but honestly I didn't...

On the upside I did get to drink this still lucozade type drink beforehand which I was told would make me feel sick, but I loved... Maybe its a British thing...for anyone whos had to have a colonoscopy you'll understand the trepidation I felt at having to drink this stuff after being told it was horrible, and must be drunk cold to make it bearable... but it was nice... Just gave me heartburn and the baby hiccups... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

So there you go simple as... but in good old British fashion though I better have a bit of a moan.. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Poor Squig...well at least you lived to tell the tale :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I think you need a well deserved nap later after that early start :sleep:

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