Bad to worse


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2009
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Ok I exahadurate not worse! Lol but not better anyway! Had a crappy week and just as I am feeling better I ate the left over potato bake for lunch and now have stomach cramps! Lol!! Dohh! My husband has been snappy and he has just got back late from a 24hr shift (got chatting to his brother) an then since he got home has been snappy with the kids and me - the kids aren't listening coz yea u have guessed it were all ill!! Lol!! I think I'm coming out the other side of it now but still not great and now have upset my stomach! Lol! Isn't life grand! So I'm running myself a hot bath and am going to relax my hubby just took DD to her nana for the night coz she was screaming for her (nice to feel loved ey!) so yer... Total no point moan thread (sorry if all my threads r moaney recently hahahahaha!) can't wait to get back to normal haha give me get well dust and no more snappy dust in bundles pleeeeeeease!!!! :rotfl:

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get well soon evie dont worry all I do is moan I went to the hairdressers last wk and I had to say sorry to her as I was leaving coz when I thought about it I had done nothing but moan to her since I had got there lol, not about her mine just being pregnant.
Thanks ladies just got out the bath and all is forgotten still got tummy cramps (think I will chuck the rest of the potato bake away lol) but on the upside i feel in such a better state of mind now and hubby has had time to chill (I had been moaning from the second he had got in lol!!) so all is good now x

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Yes lol think it has sat in the fridge too long hope the kids r ok tomorrow - belle came back from her nans in the end she wanted me Lol!! Coz they nicked some off me at lunch too haha! X

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Yea she is a rite mummies girl lol she will refuse to kiss daddy run up to me and say "I wanta yoou mummy!" grab my face kiss me and
Hug me lol!! Danny gets annoyed coz she used to be all him lol!!

My stomach cramping is getting worse now having an early night after my lunch disaster! Lol!! Night ladies and thanks for cheering me up x x

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Thanks ladies night x x

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Hope you get some sleep and feel better in the morning :hug:
It's half three in the morning and the third time I have woken up in pain bloomin leftovers!! I'm gonna start labelling my left overs with cook on dates! Could have sworn it was just two days old :(

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Lol we have to live off them sum times I plastic box them and fridge or freezer them - not technically left overs tho I purposely make too much so I can put some up lol!!

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