Any one else feel like this!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
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For past day I have had more energy which is ace, but I have been the way I normally would when af is due, does that make any sense?

Just befre af shows my mood always dips really low and I get snappy for no reason, I hate everyone and everything, and just basically am not a happy bunny, and im feeling like that now!
Its als worrying coz I keep getting stomach aches, which is prob just streching but still!

sorry for the mini rant, but hubbys panicking told me to get my arse on the forum and see if anyone else has been feeling like this!!
Aw don't worry hun, it's totally normal to get AF-like feelings sometimes, especially aroudn the time you woudl have been due on. All the symptoms come and go and go up and down adn the mood issues are common to pg as well as PMS!
splashmonkey said:
Aw don't worry hun, it's totally normal to get AF-like feelings sometimes, especially aroudn the time you woudl have been due on. All the symptoms come and go and go up and down adn the mood issues are common to pg as well as PMS!

thanks hun, when you put it like that af could possiably have been due round now depending on whether my cycle lenght was behaving or not!!!
I'm getting cramps too but they arn't painfull just crampy like someones pressing on my belly or when you squeez into jeans. A water bottle and a hug seems to be helping me out with that at the moment...... Not with the mood swings though, I feel like my mother!
i feel irritable like i am due period, i think progesterone is the culprit! its even higher in pregnancy, thus we are moody buggers lol
I let my OH read that outload! Hes had it fine its the students at work who are getting the blunt of it! I'm like "quite down" "headphones out" "PASS DON'T THROW!" and all that.... I'm never ever like that! I let them do whatever as long as the work is done but lately its like a boot camp!
I even shouted at a girl in the corridor for having music playing on her phone "Its bad enough that your playing music on your phone but its rubbish music not put it away!"

Oh dear

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