Bad skin


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Has anyone else gotton really bad skin lately? I had it in the first tri and now ts come back - ive got so many spots its depressing me!!!

Ive tried creams/face wash etc but even having a skin routine doesnt seem to make any difference at all. I guess its hormones but is there anything else i can try?? xx
I've had the same rack of spots on the left hand side of my face going down to my chin now for over 4 months, doesn't matter what I do to try and get rid of them but they are still there! Face now feels scarred from it. Can't be of any help hun because I am pretty much the same xx
Least im not the only one hun, horrible isnt it? Its bad enough being a heffer - i could at least have a bit of a 'glow'! lol
No you are deffo not alone, even tried Freederm to no avail, anybody would of though I had been lathering my face in lard lol and you are hardly a heffer xx
Meeee its just flared right up its horrible... x x
Im the other way. My skin has been disgusting from about 20 odd weeks until last week and now only have about a few left now. I can't believe how it's just cleared up. Deffo hormones Hun.

Last pregnancy I have amazing skin, better than pre-pregnancy then the night before I gave birth I had a massive outbreak that looked like acne! It's all a bit weird!
Freederm seems to work for me & Asda tea tree facial wash. Some swear by Sudocream or toothpaste dabbed on their spots. I also scar quite badly & have found putting Bio Oil in small amounts on scarred areas has helped the healing process. I had really really truly horrific skin with Joseph, this time it was bad at the start, but seems to be settling now. But I've always suffered with hormonal spots, even when I'm not pregnant. So my skin now is the best it's been for a while. I do know how you feel though, I've been really depressed with my skin previously. Hope one of these tips works for you hun x

Sunnyb xxx
I have been the opposite, never had great skin, used to get spots once a month, but since being pregnant my skin is great. at least your good skin will come back, whereas my bad skin will probably return after baby :-(
No you are deffo not alone, even tried Freederm to no avail, anybody would of though I had been lathering my face in lard lol and you are hardly a heffer xx

LOL! lathering in lard that made me giggle!
I had really crap skin in Tri 1, Tri 2 was ok but just in the last week it has gotten horrible again. And I've been greasy and blackheady throughout. No glow here!

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