Bad period or what?


New Member
Aug 28, 2015
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My boyfriend and I had protected sex August 4th. Following this, he took off his protection, wiped off, and went back in me where he did not ejaculate again and it only lasted about a minute if that. Following this, which may be a bit of overkill, we got plan b and took it within 24 hours as suggested. My period was exactly a week. Late, though I did get it. I was stressing a lot because of worrying about this problem, my father having a heart attack, and my boyfriend and I just having normal relationship problems. We took a pregnancy test just to ease our minds that came back negative on the 24th.
Right now I am experiencing awful cramps, very heavy bleeding (much heavier than usual) nausea and vomiting. I am wondering if this is caused by my period and plan b which may have affected my hormones miserably or if there's still a chance I can be pregnant.
I'd say the chances are very very slim, like you said-
It was protected sex (as I'm sure your know there's a chance any ejaculate could get your pregnant no matter how slim the chances are)
You took the morning after pill within 24 hours.
You had what you describe as a period, even though it was a litle late.
And you also mentioned a negative test.

I'd say you're in the clear, however if there's any doubt, I'd retake a test around 3-4 weeks after you had sex. A test should be pretty reliable from then.

Good luck xx
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I would not imagine after the bleeding you described there is any chance of any pregnancy - even it existed - still remaining.

The morning after pill always made me feel extremely nauseous! It does really mess with your hormones big time.

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