Bad pain 'down there'


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2014
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Having a pain down in my baginal area. Not sharp pains but it almost feels like when you have a bruise and you can just feel it hurting.

It's worse when I try and walk. Sometimes mild and at times bad so I have to stop moving.

Has anyone had this? It's so hard to explain but it's painful and uncomfortable :(
I have this if I have walked too much.. It is like your pelvis bone??

It's normal everything is moving around down there - lay with your feet up and out straight!!

You will be fine :)

Lots of love!!

I've definitely not walked much today haha but did yesterday trying to get baby to move positions ;)

I can't explain it. Just sort of front down there and almost like I've been riding a horse and smacked myself there somehow!!!
I cannot explain the agony I was in last night :(

This odd pain had been down on my private area all day especially bad when I walked.

Last night I came to bed and it moved to my right hip area also and I was so uncomfortable but not in agony so I slept. I woke up after about an hour, went loo and suddenly the pain was excruciating and went right up my right hand side.

I couldn't lie down as if I moved it hurt like hell. The BF offered to take me a&e but I just didn't want to go for nothing. I managed to lie down after about 5 minutes but if I moved the slightest the pain was bad. Somehow managed to sleep and I've woken up pain free

Checked with Doppler baby still there, little heart beating.

I will defintly tell the mw and if I get it again today I'm going to go doctor
Yeah keep an eye on it.. I think they are called "Fanny Daggers" LOL - I have seen people post about this in Tri-2..

Perhaps ask the ladies in there if they are/have experienced it.

Try not to worry!!

Make sure you rest though hun..
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I've actually popped a post over there too. I spoke to midwife and she said it's too early for spd but my body is producing relaxin hormone and that will make me unsteady. We may need to discuss me having physio and wear a support belt later on!
I've just had a shooting pain in my vagina too! I've googled a bit and mine sounds like Round Ligament Pain, which is perfectly normal. Give it a go and have a read.

Take it easy ladies. x
I don't think this is round ligament pain as I've had that in my tummy muscles but that is a sharp pain that goes away. This pain yesterday was constant throughout the day. Luckily gone today but got a dull ache in my right hip today

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